[Closed] dynamic Context menu – select by modifier
local form = dotnetobject "MaxCustomControls.Maxform"
form.ShowInTaskbar = off
form.FormBorderStyle = form.FormBorderStyle.None
form.AllowTransparency = on
form.Opacity = 0
--form.TransparencyKey = form.Backcolor
form.StartPosition = form.StartPosition.Manual
form.Size = Form.MinimumSize
cursor = dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor"
p = cursor.Position
form.Location = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Point" p.x (p.y+5) --500 300
cm = dotNetObject "ContextMenu"
form.ContextMenu = cm
items = for i in selection[1].modifiers collect i.name
fn selObject sender arg=
for j in objects do
for k in j.modifiers do
If ((classof k) as string) == arg do appendIfUnique theSelection j
print theSelection
for i in items do
item = cm.menuitems.add i
item.name = i
dotnet.addEventHandler item "Click" selObject
I want to select modifier by the name of context menu title I click, but when I try to execute the script…at the name of context menu …the result always display “false”…please someone give me input how to make it work…
thanks many and best regard
something like this:
try(form.close()) catch()
global form = dotnetobject "MaxCustomControls.Maxform"
form.ShowInTaskbar = form.MinimizeBox = form.MaximizeBox = off
form.StartPosition = form.StartPosition.Manual
form.Bounds = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Rectangle" 800 200 100 60
cm = dotNetObject "ContextMenu"
fn onPopup s e =
fn onClick s e = undo "Delete" on deletemodifier s.parent.tag.value s.tag.value
for n in selection do
item = dotnetobject "MenuItem" n.name
item.tag = dotnetmxsvalue n
item.enabled = (n.modifiers.count > 0)
for m in n.modifiers do
i = dotnetobject "MenuItem" m.name
i.tag = dotnetmxsvalue m
dotnet.addEventHandler i "Click" onClick
item.menuitems.add i
s.menuitems.add item
fn onCollapse s e = s.menuitems.Clear()
dotnet.addEventHandler cm "Popup" onPopup
dotnet.addEventHandler cm "Collapse" onCollapse
form.ContextMenu = cm
delete objects
for k=1 to 8 do
n = #(box, sphere, cylinder, cone)[random 1 4] pos:(random -[50,50,50] [50,50,50]) wirecolor:(random red green)
for i=1 to (random 0 5) do addmodifier n (#(UVWmap, Unwrap_UVW, Edit_Poly, Edit_Normals, XForm)[random 1 5]())
Thank denis…i got the big idea…but something is bugging me …what do you mean by …
onPopup s e … what s …what e…sorry new dotnet learner…
also I just want to show the rc menu (right click only ) without empty dialog …is that posible ?
thanks for input …
best regard
if i answer all your questions providing a sample code i will completely write your script for you
you have to read about dotnet event system, what the sender is, and the event argument it. the mxs help is a good start. there are many samples on this forum…