[Closed] dropdownlist priority
I am getting a undefined error, which if I understand correctly is due to the ‘ddl_Lesson’ being called (in ddl_Project dropdownlist) before it is defined.
I dont want to swap them around in the code as then the order in which they are displayed inside the rollout is illogical.
I have tried to find a way to tell the script to read the ddl_Lesson dropdown list first…but I cannot find this information or even know what it is called. If there is another solution to the one I am thinking of please share.
Thanks in advance for any help, code is below:
global lessonArr = #(#("A_one","A_two","A_three") ,#("B_one","B_two","B_three"),#("C_one","C_two","C_three"),#("D_one","D_two","D_three") )
global projectArr = #("A_Project","B_Project","C_Project","D_Project")
global i = 1
rollout mainRoll "mainRollOut" height:200
dropdownlist ddl_Project "Project" items:projectArr
on ddl_Project selected i do
ddl_Lesson.items = lessonArr[i]
dropdownlist ddl_Lesson "Lesson" items:lessonArr[i]
createDialog mainRoll
you could use this alternative
global lessonArr = #(#("A_one","A_two","A_three") ,#("B_one","B_two","B_three"),#("C_one","C_two","C_three"),#("D_one","D_two","D_three") )
global projectArr = #("A_Project","B_Project","C_Project","D_Project")
global i = 1
rollout mainRoll "mainRollOut" height:200
dropdownlist ddl_Project "Project" items:projectArr
on ddl_Project selected i do
mainRoll.controls[2].items = lessonArr[i]
dropdownlist ddl_Lesson "Lesson" items:lessonArr[i]
createDialog mainRoll
I would propbably just swap the contorls though. Keep in mind that the method above is error-prone as the index of the ddl_Lesson control is hardcoded.
you don’t need to swap the order of the controls but you do need to put ddl_Lesson before ddl_Project’s event handler as shown below:
global lessonArr = #(#("A_one","A_two","A_three") ,#("B_one","B_two","B_three"),#("C_one","C_two","C_three"),#("D_one","D_two","D_three") )
global projectArr = #("A_Project","B_Project","C_Project","D_Project")
global i = 1
rollout mainRoll "mainRollOut" height:200
dropdownlist ddl_Project "Project" items:projectArr
dropdownlist ddl_Lesson "Lesson" items:lessonArr[i]
on ddl_Project selected i do
ddl_Lesson.items = lessonArr[i]
IMO rollouts should generally be defined in the following order to avoid any scope issues:
event handlers