Clear all
[Closed] dropdownlist please help with this 😀
Feb 01, 2011 3:19 pm
i want to take the current selection of one dropwdown A list to other dropdownlist B, but i want to replace all in the second dropdownlist B to with the selection of the dropdownlist A
pleaseeeeee help
at the moment every time i press the button to send the selection to the dropdown list B the selection is added and no replace all
4 Replies
1 Reply
well i update my script, i do it wrong trying to take the selection from one dropdownlist to another dropwdownlist and then save it to a txt file.
what i need is to save the current selection of the dropdownlist to a txt file with this format.
#(“material name”)
Feb 01, 2011 3:19 pm
this is what i have:
newTXT = openfile fname mode:"wt"
material_name.items = append material_name.items (material_name.selection as string)
format (with printAllElements on material_name.items as string) to:newTXT
flush newTXT
close newTXT
Feb 01, 2011 3:19 pm
Sorry cant understand what you want, cant help, please try to explain it better, add images, script example.