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[Closed] Draw rubberband

Is there a way to draw a rubberband, or even multiple, without using PickObject or PickPoint? I would like to use it for custom scripts, but I can’t find a way to draw it without using said functions.

2 Replies

DenisT has posted a solution a while ago.

	global _points = #()
	global _pmouse = undefined
	unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback drawRubberband

	fn drawRubberband = if _points.count > 0 and _pmouse != undefined do
		gw.setTransform (matrix3 1)

		local points = for p in _points collect (gw.transPoint p)
		append points (gw.transPoint _pmouse)

		gw.setcolor #line (color 200 200 200)
		for k=2 to points.count do gw.wPolyline #(points[k-1], points[k]) off
		gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
	fn mouseTracking msg ir obj faceNum shift ctrl alt =
		_pmouse = ir.pos
		case msg of
			#mouseAbort: ()
			  #freeMove: if _points.count > 0 do completeRedraw()
			#mousePoint: append _points _pmouse
			 #mouseMove: if _points.count > 0 do completeRedraw()
		if msg == #mouseAbort then #abort else #continue 
	_points = #()
	registerRedrawViewsCallback drawRubberband
	act = mouseTrack trackCallback:mouseTracking snap:#3D
	unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback drawRubberband
	format "act:% numpoints:% points:%
" act _points.count _points

Awesome. I ended up making a wPolyline implementation, but the right click cancel from that snippet I couldn’t figure out of so thanks for sharing!