[Closed] Drag and Dropping Materials
I’ve created a nice little interface to help streamline our rendering process.
I’ve got a few materialmap buttons for assigning enviroment maps, override materials etc.
Got these working fine, can pick and assign the material, and get it’s name etc. I now want to be able to drag materials onto these materialmap buttons and drag the material from my button into the material editor, so just to get it working like a normal mapbutton.
I think you may be stuck without drag&drop – that only works if the scripted material/map button is in the material editor?
Edit: The only partial work-around I can think of is pretty crap. Use an imgtag / .Net button to detect mouse down and mouse up events… if a mouse up event was generated without a mousedown event, make the assumption that the user dragged a material onto the tag/button… and make another assumption that said dragging is from the medit sample slots and thus would be meditmaterials[activeMeditSlot].
Yep – entirely too many assumptions ;\
Yeah it’s a bit rubbish really… Can I at least get the right-click copy/instance/paste working at all?
I can write a write-around, but it’s frustrating…
don’t think so… though you could pop up some menu on right-clicking the material/map button, I’m not sure where one would go from there. There’s no access to the internal material and map ‘clipboards’ that I can spot, nor does there seem to be a callback that’d get triggered on ‘copy’ that might hold a reference to what got copied.
I’m curious as to your work-around… short of placing something in medit and having the artists interact with that.
Well we work with VRay, and whenever you choose an HDRI for a reflections override, you have to drag n drop that material into the material editor to actually doing anything with it, so i might just get it to automatically populate one of the last 3 slots with the material and save a step anyway.
Little things like this in max really frustrate me, surely all map/material buttons should be draggable/dropable and have the copy/paste function inbuilt… grrr. oh well…
wonder what happens when you try to drop a material on a dotnet control… .net must return some funky value for what just got dropped, presumably; unless max’s drag&drop background worker simply determines the .net control won’t support it anyway
Another thread discussing a couple of approaches to get drag and drop to work: