[Closed] dotNetObject "maxCustomControls.win32HandleWrapper" missing in Max 2015?
Is it just me, or is win32HandleWrapper missing from the 2015 MaxCustomControls assembly? If this is the case, pretty much ALL my scripts will need to be changed to work with 2015.
dotNetObject "maxCustomControls.win32HandleWrapper"
What an incredibly bizarre class to omit. Seems unlikely that this is done on purpose.
Look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow(v=vs.110).aspx
So the code would be something like this, no? I dont have max around atm.
nw = DotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow"
nw.AssingHandle (DotNetObject "System.IntPtr" (Windows.GetMaxHWND()))
Thanks haavard for this replacement snippet. Also thanks to lo for “ReleaseHandle” suggestion.
Test form code
if ::frm != undefined do try(frm.Close())catch()
( fn defNWin =
nw = DotNetObject "NativeWindow"
nw.AssignHandle (DotNetObject "System.IntPtr" (Windows.GetMaxHWND()))
fn defColor r g b = ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").FromArgb r g b)
fn defSize w h = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" w h)
fn defPoint x y = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Point" x y)
local maxBC = defColor 80 80 80, maxFC = defColor 200 200 200
fn defForm dnFrm w: h: = --FORM
dnFrm.FormBorderStyle = dnFrm.FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow
dnFrm.StartPosition = dnFrm.StartPosition.Manual
dnFrm.Text = "test"
dnFrm.BackColor = maxBC
dnFrm.ShowInTaskbar = off
dnFrm.ClientSize = defSize w h
dnFrm.Location = defPoint 10 110
fn defBtn btn w: h: txt: = --BUTTON
btn.Size = defSize w h
btn.text = txt
btn.FlatStyle = btn.FlatStyle.Flat
btn.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0
btn.BackColor = maxBC
btn.ForeColor = maxFC
nw = defNWin()
frm = dotnetobject "Form" ; defForm frm w:100 h:50
ts = dotnetobject "Button" ; defBtn ts w:100 h:50 txt:"Button"
frm.Controls.Add (ts)
No, not at all.
maxCustomControls.win32HandleWrapper is an implementation of the System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window Interface, used for exposing handles.
It should be no problem to recreate it in your own assembly to replace it (untested):
namespace maxCustomControls
public class Win32HandleWrapper : System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window
private IntPtr handle;
public IntPtr Handle { get; }
public Win32HandleWrapper(IntPtr handle) { this.handle = handle; }
Actually, come to think of it, NativeWindow also happens to implement IWin32Window, so your suggested code will also work fine, though NativeWindow is a bit overkill, and you’d have to call ‘ReleasedHandle’ when you don’t need it anymore.
Thanks for the code lo
The only thing I had to change was adding a ‘set;’ in Handle.
I may have been asleep when I wrote that. The correct code should be
namespace maxCustomControls
public class Win32HandleWrapper : System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window
public IntPtr Handle { get; set; }
public Win32HandleWrapper(IntPtr handle) { this.Handle = handle; }
It was removed, use NativeWindow : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.nativewindow.nativewindow(v=vs.110).aspx