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[Closed] dotNetMXS data question

I made form list view…

for i=1 to arr.count do
		li = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem" arr[i][1]
		li.tag = dotNetMXSValue arr[i] --multidimension array to single array

when I rightclick on the form viewvia righ click item

in the RC menu …when open…

on SS_RelinkMenu open do

…it shows the dotNetMXSValue but not in the format of array … I want something like this

#("ARCH49_LEATHER_BUMP", "jpg", "Found", "F:	ry 2\", 115588, "F:	ry 2\ARCH49_LEATHER_BUMP.jpg", Map #51:Bitmap, #filename, Bitmaptexture)

but instead…

"#("ARCH49_LEATHER_BUMP", "jpg", "Found", "F:	ry 2\", 115588, "F:	ry 2\ARCH49_LEATHER_BUMP.jpg", Map #51:Bitmap, #filename, Bitmaptexture)"

theres double quote there…how can i get pure array without double quote ?

thanks & Best regard


4 Replies
on SS_RelinkMenu open do
		local val
		val=execute SS_RelinkFiles.dNet_Files.SelectedItems.Item[0].tag.value
		print val

just use execute

gak isoh mas bro…salam kenal yo…wong solo…ki…nyambut gawe neng jakarta…
Btw dah belajar banyak tentang dotNet mas ?


still cant…

…after restarting the max…I got true …array value…its only need restart max…

The double quotes means your variable is a string, not an array (which you are looking for).
You might use execute as muhammadfredo said, but you’ll need to place before each double quote a backslash ( \ ), like so :

"#("ARCH49_LEATHER_BUMP", "jpg", "Found", "F:	ry 2\", 115588, "F:	ry 2\ARCH49_LEATHER_BUMP.jpg", Map #51:Bitmap, #filename, Bitmaptexture)"


"#(\"ARCH49_LEATHER_BUMP\", \"jpg\", \"Found\", \"F:	ry 2\\", 115588, \"F:	ry 2\ARCH49_LEATHER_BUMP.jpg\", Map #51:Bitmap, #filename, Bitmaptexture)"

EDIT : Sorry, I’ve gone wrong here… Execute should not be used until there’s nothing left. Actually, I’m not so sure about using the tag property with the DotnetMXSValue, you’ll lose data, like the Map you’ve got in it.
I would be using a local array of arrays, a master array containing all of yours, keeping data to MAXScript syntax, making it much simpler in the end.

gak isoh mas bro…salam kenal yo…wong solo…ki…nyambut gawe neng jakarta…
Btw dah belajar banyak tentang dotNet mas ?

please use english in here, if you want ask with our native language just pm me