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[Closed] dotNet UI

ok. i’m so kind today i know:

try(form.close()) catch()
	global form = dotnetobject "Form"

	form.ShowInTaskbar = off
	form.AutoSize = on
	form.AutoSizeMode = form.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink 
	images = (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Image").FromFile (getdir #ui + @"Icons\Maintoolbar_24i.bmp")
	size = images.height
	count = images.width/size-1
	buttons = for k=0 to count-1 while k < 8 collect
		imagelist = dotnetobject "ImageList"
		imagelist.ImageSize = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" size size
		imagelist.images.Add (images.Clone (dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Rectangle" (size*2*k) 0 size size) images.PixelFormat)
		imagelist.images.Add (images.Clone (dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Rectangle" (size*2*k+size) 0 size size) images.PixelFormat)
		bt = dotnetobject "RadioButton"
		bt.Appearance = bt.Appearance.Button
		bt.Backcolor = bt.Backcolor.Transparent
		bt.Size = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Size" (size+8) (size+8)
		bt.ImageList = imagelist
		bt.ImageIndex = 1

		bt.Location = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Point" (2 + k*bt.Size.width) 2 = k as string
		fn onMouseEnter s e = (s.ImageIndex = 0)	
		fn onMouseLeave s e = (s.ImageIndex = 1)	
		dotnet.addEventHandler bt "MouseEnter" onMouseEnter
		dotnet.addEventHandler bt "MouseLeave" onMouseLeave

		--ControlOps.SetSelectable bt off
	form.controls.AddRange buttons
	form.Show (dotnetobject "MaxCustomControls.Win32HandleWrapper" (dotnetobject "System.IntPtr" (windows.getmaxhwnd())))

What’s the difference between s.tag and s.tag.value in dotNet stuff?

It is possible to store an array in a s.tag?


s.tag = #($Teapot_node, [5,0,10], wirecolor)

I use dotNetMXSValue for dotnet tags. I’m pretty sure you can’t put maxscript arrays or objects in dotnet tags. I usually use it for storing a link to the struct instance that contains it and all of the functions and UI the control needs to see.

I got it working.
Thanks to Paul
The full thread is here

Now if I store a struct in a tag property how do I then call up a property of that struct?

dotNetMXSValue:[(subData node:$Editable_Mesh:Box002 @ [10.236023,-15.559731,0.000000] wirecolor:[10,100,100])]


Got it working now.

All working now.

How do I return the index number of the item double clicked in a listview?

	on lvCtrls MouseDoubleClick s a do
		if (item = s.GetItemAt a.x a.y) != undefined do 


thank you very much

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