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[Closed] Dotnet steal focus


I’ found something strange in Dotnet form.
When I’m pressing a button to use a simple tool, then I can’t use it.
Only when I’m switch max window out and back, then is start work normally… :banghead:

I’m tried the same script for both interfaces , Max and Dotnet.
Here is examples.

–Max works

rollout focusTestDialog "Max Focus Test" width:196 height:124
	button btn1 "create point" pos:[80,44] width:88 height:32
	on btn1 pressed  do
		tool create (on mousePoint click do point pos:gridPoint wirecolor:green) 
		startTool create
createDialog focusTestDialog

–Dotnet failed

--DotNet Interface
	local form = dotNetObject "MaxCustomControls.Maxform"
	local btn   = dotNetObject "button"
	form.Text  = "Dotnet Focus Test"
	btn.text    = "create point"
	form.bounds = dotnetObject "Drawing.Rectangle" 200 400 196 124
	fn onMouseUp s a = 
		tool create (on mousePoint click do point pos:gridPoint wirecolor:green) 
		startTool create
	dotNet.addEventHandler btn "MouseUp" onMouseUp
	form.controls.add btn

It is only on my Pc , or you get the same result?
I’m using 3DsMax 2012

2 Replies

I’ve run into this I think. I was trying to use a mousetool via C# UI, and it wouldn’t start unless I first did something like, max Move, then called the script I believe.

This way it gave focus back to the max window, and worked.

Give that a shot?

It works
Greate! you are good! Thanks Man