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[Closed] dotnet focus

How come when I click in the input field and being typing it doesn’t appear to actually set focus? I’m assuming its because i have dotnet controls inside other dotnet controls. How do i fix this?

try(destroyDialog ::nameTagToolRO)catch()
rollout nameTagToolRO "NameTag Tool"
	local tabStyle = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.TabAppearance"

	dotNetControl uiTabs "TabControl" pos:[0,0]
	fn SetLifeTimeControl ctrl = dotNet.setLifeTimeControl ctrl #dotNet

	fn ResizeUI =
		w = nameTagToolRO.width
		h = nameTagToolRO.height
		uiTabs.width = w
		uiTabs.height = h

	fn InitTextbox pos:[0,0] width:0 =
		c = dotNetObject "Textbox"
		c.Location = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Point" pos[1] pos[2])
		c.Tag = "resize"
		c.AcceptsTab = True

	fn InitTabs ctrl:unsupplied =
		if ctrl != unsupplied do
			ctrl.sizeMode = ctrl.sizeMode.fixed	
			ctrl.itemSize = dotnetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 75 25
			ctrl.TabPages.add "Nodes"
			ctrl.TabPages.add "Materials"	
			ctrl.Appearance = tabStyle.buttons

			uiName = InitTextbox pos:[70,37] width:0
			ctrl.TabPages.Item[0].controls.add uiName
	on nameTagToolRO open do
		InitTabs ctrl:uiTabs
createDialog nameTagToolRO width:400 height:600 style:#(#style_SysMenu, #style_titlebar, #style_minimizebox, #style_resizing)
1 Reply

register for the textbox’s gotFocus event and disable 3dsmax accelerators using

enableAccelerators = false