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[Closed] dotnet datagrid not getting selection count

Why does this not display the selected indices count after selection is made?
It may seem like a lot of code but it’s just UI setup. The actual command is simple and short.
It always shows zero?

rollout groupToolRO "groupTool"
	local groups = #() --Array of groupData structs
	local uiGroupList
	local uiNodeList
	struct groupData (name = "", nodes = #())

	dotNetControl uiContainer "ContainerControl" pos:[0,0]
	fn AddGroup name:"" nodes:#() = 
		nodes = makeUniqueArray (for i = 1 to (random 5 15) collect ("teapot00" + i as string))
		d = groupData() = name
		d.nodes = makeUniqueArray nodes

		append groups d

	fn ResizeUI =
		local width = groupToolRO.width
		local height = groupToolRO.height

		uiContainer.width = width
		uiContainer.height = height

	fn RefreshGroupsUI ctrl:uiGroupList = 
		local groupItems = #()

		for g in groups do
			newRow = dotNetObject "DataGridViewRow"
			newRow.height = 22

			ctrl.rows.add newRow

			newRow.cells.item[0].value =
			newRow.cells.item[0].ToolTipText = "Node Count: " + g.nodes.count as string


	fn GenerateDataGrid =
		local ctrl = dotNetObject "DataGridView"
		ctrl.MultiSelect = true
		ctrl.AllowUserToAddRows = false
		ctrl.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false
		ctrl.AllowUserToResizeRows = false
		ctrl.AllowUserToResizeColumns = true
		ctrl.AllowUserToOrderColumns = false
		ctrl.AutoSize = True
		ctrl.ShowEditingIcon = false
		ctrl.RowHeadersVisible = false
		ctrl.ColumnHeadersBorderStyle = ctrl.ColumnHeadersBorderStyle.None
		ctrl.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = ctrl.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.DisableResizing
		ctrl.SelectionMode = ctrl.SelectionMode.CellSelect
		ctrl.ColumnHeadersVisible = true
		ctrl.BorderStyle = ctrl.BorderStyle.FixedSingle

	fn GenerateColumns columns:#() =
		local dnColumns = #()
		for n in columns do
			local newColumn = dotNetObject "DataGridViewTextBoxColumn"
			newColumn.Resizable = newColumn.Resizable.true
			newColumn.AutoSizeMode = newColumn.AutoSizeMode.Fill
			newColumn.HeaderText = n
			newColumn.ReadOnly = true
			newColumn.sortMode = newColumn.sortMode.NotSortable
			append dnColumns newColumn

	fn GenerateRows ctrl:undefined data:#() =
		for d in data do
			newRow = dotNetObject "DataGridViewRow"
			newRow.height = 22
			--newRow.tag = dotNetMXSValue d.node
			ctrl.rows.add newRow
			newRow.cells.item[0].value = d
			newRow.cells.item[0].ToolTipText = "Node Count: " + 10 as string

	fn clickedGroups s e = 
		enableaccelerators = off
		print s.SelectedRows.count


	fn StyleContainer ctrl:undefined =
		uiSplitCtrl = dotNetObject "splitContainer"
		uiSplitCtrl.dock = uiSplitCtrl.dock.fill
		uiSplitCtrl.AutoScroll = true
		uiSplitCtrl.SplitterWidth = 6
		uiSplitCtrl.SplitterDistance = 60
		ctrl.controls.add uiSplitCtrl
		-- Control
		uiGroupList = GenerateDataGrid()
		uiGroupList.dock = uiGroupList.dock.fill
		uiGroupList.Columns.AddRange (GenerateColumns columns:#("Groups"))
		uiSplitCtrl.panel1.controls.add uiGroupList
		-- control handlers
		dotNet.addEventHandler uiGroupList "Click" clickedGroups

	on groupToolRO open do
		-- ui control styling
		StyleContainer ctrl:uiContainer

		--test data
		AddGroup name:"great"
		AddGroup name:"monkey"
		AddGroup name:"donuts"


	on groupToolRO resized val do
createDialog groupToolRO width:400 height:300 style:#(#style_SysMenu, #style_titlebar, #style_minimizebox, #style_resizing)

4 Replies

You’re registering to the DGV’s ‘Click’ event. When that is called, the selection has not yet been updated. Register to the ‘SelectionChanged’ event instead.

For your help I’ll try that out when I get home.

dotNet.addEventHandler uiGroupList “SelectionChanged” doubleClickGroups

didn’t fix the bug still…


Also, keep in mind that The SelectionMode property must be set to FullRowSelect or RowHeaderSelect for the SelectedRows property to be populated with selected rows.