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[Closed] dotnet datagrid not getting selection count
Jul 28, 2015 1:02 am
Why does this not display the selected indices count after selection is made?
It may seem like a lot of code but it’s just UI setup. The actual command is simple and short.
It always shows zero?
rollout groupToolRO "groupTool"
local groups = #() --Array of groupData structs
local uiGroupList
local uiNodeList
struct groupData (name = "", nodes = #())
dotNetControl uiContainer "ContainerControl" pos:[0,0]
fn AddGroup name:"" nodes:#() =
nodes = makeUniqueArray (for i = 1 to (random 5 15) collect ("teapot00" + i as string))
d = groupData() = name
d.nodes = makeUniqueArray nodes
append groups d
fn ResizeUI =
local width = groupToolRO.width
local height = groupToolRO.height
uiContainer.width = width
uiContainer.height = height
fn RefreshGroupsUI ctrl:uiGroupList =
local groupItems = #()
for g in groups do
newRow = dotNetObject "DataGridViewRow"
newRow.height = 22
ctrl.rows.add newRow
newRow.cells.item[0].value =
newRow.cells.item[0].ToolTipText = "Node Count: " + g.nodes.count as string
fn GenerateDataGrid =
local ctrl = dotNetObject "DataGridView"
ctrl.MultiSelect = true
ctrl.AllowUserToAddRows = false
ctrl.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false
ctrl.AllowUserToResizeRows = false
ctrl.AllowUserToResizeColumns = true
ctrl.AllowUserToOrderColumns = false
ctrl.AutoSize = True
ctrl.ShowEditingIcon = false
ctrl.RowHeadersVisible = false
ctrl.ColumnHeadersBorderStyle = ctrl.ColumnHeadersBorderStyle.None
ctrl.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = ctrl.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.DisableResizing
ctrl.SelectionMode = ctrl.SelectionMode.CellSelect
ctrl.ColumnHeadersVisible = true
ctrl.BorderStyle = ctrl.BorderStyle.FixedSingle
fn GenerateColumns columns:#() =
local dnColumns = #()
for n in columns do
local newColumn = dotNetObject "DataGridViewTextBoxColumn"
newColumn.Resizable = newColumn.Resizable.true
newColumn.AutoSizeMode = newColumn.AutoSizeMode.Fill
newColumn.HeaderText = n
newColumn.ReadOnly = true
newColumn.sortMode = newColumn.sortMode.NotSortable
append dnColumns newColumn
fn GenerateRows ctrl:undefined data:#() =
for d in data do
newRow = dotNetObject "DataGridViewRow"
newRow.height = 22
--newRow.tag = dotNetMXSValue d.node
ctrl.rows.add newRow
newRow.cells.item[0].value = d
newRow.cells.item[0].ToolTipText = "Node Count: " + 10 as string
fn clickedGroups s e =
enableaccelerators = off
print s.SelectedRows.count
fn StyleContainer ctrl:undefined =
uiSplitCtrl = dotNetObject "splitContainer"
uiSplitCtrl.dock = uiSplitCtrl.dock.fill
uiSplitCtrl.AutoScroll = true
uiSplitCtrl.SplitterWidth = 6
uiSplitCtrl.SplitterDistance = 60
ctrl.controls.add uiSplitCtrl
-- Control
uiGroupList = GenerateDataGrid()
uiGroupList.dock = uiGroupList.dock.fill
uiGroupList.Columns.AddRange (GenerateColumns columns:#("Groups"))
uiSplitCtrl.panel1.controls.add uiGroupList
-- control handlers
dotNet.addEventHandler uiGroupList "Click" clickedGroups
on groupToolRO open do
-- ui control styling
StyleContainer ctrl:uiContainer
--test data
AddGroup name:"great"
AddGroup name:"monkey"
AddGroup name:"donuts"
on groupToolRO resized val do
createDialog groupToolRO width:400 height:300 style:#(#style_SysMenu, #style_titlebar, #style_minimizebox, #style_resizing)
4 Replies
Jul 28, 2015 1:02 am
You’re registering to the DGV’s ‘Click’ event. When that is called, the selection has not yet been updated. Register to the ‘SelectionChanged’ event instead.
Jul 28, 2015 1:02 am
dotNet.addEventHandler uiGroupList “SelectionChanged” doubleClickGroups
didn’t fix the bug still…
Jul 28, 2015 1:02 am
Also, keep in mind that The SelectionMode property must be set to FullRowSelect or RowHeaderSelect for the SelectedRows property to be populated with selected rows.