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[Closed] DotNet controls Picture Box

Cool, I’ll see about reformatting my .net notes into something readable if I get some time.

So… is one step forward now
I have :
-sorted images

         rollout mc2TestGalleryDilog "3DsMax 9 Gallery II" width:556 height:597
	--> Local
	local jpg_images_dir = "E:\\3DGallery\\Weapons\\Swords" 
	local colorclass = dotnetclass "system.drawing.color"
	--< Local
	dotNetControl flp "flowlayoutpanel" pos:[5,52] width:543 height:531	
	dotNetControl legend "textbox" pos:[5,4] width:543 height:20
	fn showInfo itm =
		print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
		format "Info:%
" itm 
		print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
		try (	format "show:%
"	   (show itm)			) catch (print "undefined")
		try (	format "interface:%
" (showinterface itm)	) catch (print "undefined")
		try (	format "methods:%
" (showmethods itm)	) catch (print "undefined")
		try (	format "prop:%
"	   (showproperties itm)	) catch (print "undefined")

	fn onMouseDown ctrl evnt =
		format "MouseDown: % [%]
" ctrl (evnt.button.tostring())
		if ctrl.forecolor ==
		then (ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.yellow; legend.text = "MouseDown Unselected")
		else (ctrl.forecolor =; legend.text = "MouseDown Selected")
	fn onMouseUp ctrl evnt =
	   -- format "MouseUp: % [%]
" ctrl (evnt.button.tostring())

	fn onMouseEnter ctrl evnt =
		--format "MouseEnter % [%]
" ctrl evnt
		if ctrl.forecolor != do ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.yellow
		legend.text = "MouseEnter"
	fn onMouseLeave ctrl evnt =
		--format "MouseLeave % [%]
" ctrl evnt
		if ctrl.forecolor != do ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.ivory
		legend.text = "MouseLeave" 
	on mc2TestGalleryDilog open do
		local singleborder = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle").fixedsingle	
		local dnfont = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 6.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
		local dnfontlarge = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
		local dnMXSlarge = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "System" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)

		flp.autoscroll = true	
		flp.padding = dotnetobject "" 2
		flp.BackColor = colorclass.fromARGB 40 45 66
		local dnobjarray = #()			
		Images_Array = getFiles (jpg_images_dir + "\\*.jpg")
		for i in Images_Array do
			btndragdrop = dotnetobject "button"
			btndragdrop.size = dotnetobject "system.drawing.size" 160 120
			--btndragdrop.backcolor = colorclass.yellow --cadetblue -- tag color
			btndragdrop.forecolor = colorclass.ivory --text color
			btndragdrop.margin =  dotnetobject "" 2 -- thumbs distance
			btndragdrop.flatstyle = (dotNetclass "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle").flat
			btndragdrop.font= dnfont
			btndragdrop.text = getFilenameFile i	
			btndragdrop.textalign =  (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").BottomCenter
			btndragdrop.Image = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" i
			btndragdrop.AllowDrop = true
			-- Setup an event handler for both buttons
			dotnet.addEventHandler btndragdrop "MouseDown" onMouseDown
			dotnet.addEventHandler btndragdrop "MouseUp" onMouseUp
			dotnet.addEventHandler btndragdrop "MouseEnter" onMouseEnter
			dotnet.addEventHandler btndragdrop "MouseLeave" onMouseLeave
			append dnobjarray btndragdrop
			btndragdrop = nothing

		--> Title of gallery type
		colorlabel = dotnetobject "label"
		colorlabel.borderstyle = singleborder
		colorlabel.margin =  dotnetobject "" 2
		colorlabel.backcolor = colorclass.cadetblue
		colorlabel.font= dnfontlarge
		colorlabel.text = "3D Models"			
		colorlabel.size = dotnetobject "system.drawing.size" 516 24	
		colorlabel.textalign =  (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").MiddleCenter		
		--show colorlabel
		--< Title of gallery type 
		flp.controls.add colorlabel	
		flp.controls.addrange dnobjarray
)-- end rollout
createDialog mc2TestGalleryDilog  style:#(#style_titlebar, 
	#style_sysmenu, #style_minimizebox, #style_maximizebox, #style_sunkenedge, #style_resizing)
     What I can’t find is: 
      -how to stretch an image to button size (if is some method here or must be done by fn)
      -how to make bigger the outline around button to be more visible

-how to resize and update flowlayoutpanel if dialog size changes

-how to stretch an image to button size (if is some method here or must be done by fn)
There might be a better method, but here’s the function I use when I need to resize a .NET bitmap object:

fn resizeBitmapNET srcBitmap width height useHighQuality:false=
--Resizes the specified NET bitmap
	local destBitmap = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" width height) --Create new bitmap object
	destBitmap.SetResolution srcBitmap.HorizontalResolution srcBitmap.VerticalResolution
	local theGraphics = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Graphics").fromImage destBitmap --Create new Graphics object
	local destRec = (dotnetObject "System.Drawing.rectangle" 0 0 width height) --Set destination image size
	IF useHighQuality DO theGraphics.InterpolationMode = theGraphics.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
	theGraphics.drawImage srcBitmap destRec --Resize the image
	theGraphics.dispose() --gc
	return destBitmap

-how to make bigger the outline around button to be more visible
No clue…sorry

-how to resize and update flowlayoutpanel if dialog size changes
There’s no need to update the FLP panel, if it’s properly configured, then the buttons will re-align by themselves. What you need to do is set up a rollout resized event to the FLP’s with and height, so that when the rollout is resized so is the FLP (and the label control).

oho! MarcoBrunetta you function is very fast, and doing exactly what I need. Thanks for this!

New updates:
-add cursors arrrowHand and dragHand on tags
-add MarcoBrunetta’s function for resize images
-add first quick control to resize dialog and thumbnail form

Global mc2TestGalleryDilog

if mc2TestGalleryDilog != undefined do destroyDialog mc2TestGalleryDilog

rollout mc2TestGalleryDilog "3DsMax 9 Gallery II" width:556 height:597
	--> Local
	local jpg_images_dir = "E:\\3DGallery\\Weapons\\Swords" --put a path with images here
	local colorclass = dotnetclass "system.drawing.color"
	local cursor_harrow = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor" "C:\WINDOWS\Cursors\harrow.cur"
	local cursor_hmove = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor" "C:\WINDOWS\Cursors\hmove.cur"
	local thumb_size = [160, 120]
	--< Local
	dotNetControl flp "flowlayoutpanel" pos:[5,52] width:543 height:531	
	--MaxWidth for forms Width, MaxHeight to = (unset)
	dotNetControl legend "textbox" pos:[5,4] width:543 height:20
	fn showInfo itm =
		print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" 
		format "Info:%
" itm 
		print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
		try (	format "show:%
"	   (show itm)			) catch (print "undefined")
		try (	format "interface:%
" (showinterface itm)	) catch (print "undefined")
		try (	format "methods:%
" (showmethods itm)	) catch (print "undefined")
		try (	format "prop:%
"	   (showproperties itm)	) catch (print "undefined")
	fn resizeBitmapNET srcBitmap width height useHighQuality:false=
	--Resizes the specified NET bitmap // MarcoBrunetta
		local destBitmap = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" width height) --Create new bitmap object
		destBitmap.SetResolution srcBitmap.HorizontalResolution srcBitmap.VerticalResolution
		local theGraphics = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Graphics").fromImage destBitmap --Create new Graphics object
		local destRec = (dotnetObject "System.Drawing.rectangle" 0 0 width height) --Set destination image size
		IF useHighQuality DO theGraphics.InterpolationMode = theGraphics.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
		theGraphics.drawImage srcBitmap destRec --Resize the image
		theGraphics.dispose() --gc  --but images is stil locked. cant be deleted
		return destBitmap
	fn onMouseDown ctrl evnt =
		format "MouseDown: % [%]
" ctrl (evnt.button.tostring())
		if ctrl.forecolor ==
		then (ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.yellow; legend.text = ctrl.text + " Unselected")
		else (ctrl.forecolor =; legend.text = ctrl.text + " Selected")
		ctrl.Cursor = cursor_hmove
	fn onMouseUp ctrl evnt =
	   ctrl.Cursor = cursor_harrow
	   -- format "MouseUp: % [%]
" ctrl (evnt.button.tostring())
	fn onMouseEnter ctrl evnt =
		--format "MouseEnter % [%]
" ctrl evnt
		if ctrl.forecolor != do ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.yellow
		legend.text = "MouseEnter: " + ctrl.text
		ctrl.Cursor = cursor_harrow
	fn onMouseLeave ctrl evnt = --drag and drop
		--format "MouseLeave % [%]
" ctrl evnt
		if ctrl.forecolor != do ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.ivory
		--legend.text = "MouseLeave: " + ctrl.text 
	fn onMouseMove ctrl evnt =
		--format "Move!
	Sender : %
	Mouse Pos : %
" ctrl.Text [evnt.X, evnt.Y]
	on mc2TestGalleryDilog open do
		local singleborder = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle").fixedsingle	
		local dnfont = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 6.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
		local dnfontlarge = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
		local dnMXSlarge = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "System" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)

		local dnobjarray = #()			
		Images_Array = getFiles (jpg_images_dir + "\\*.jpg")
		for i in Images_Array do
			btndragdrop = dotnetobject "button"
			btndragdrop.size = dotnetobject "system.drawing.size" thumb_size.x thumb_size.y --160 120
			--btndragdrop.backcolor = colorclass.yellow --cadetblue -- tag color
			btndragdrop.forecolor = colorclass.ivory --text color
			btndragdrop.margin =  dotnetobject "" 2 -- thumbs distance
			btndragdrop.flatstyle = (dotNetclass "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle").flat
			btndragdrop.font= dnfont
			btndragdrop.text = getFilenameFile i	
			btndragdrop.textalign =  (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").BottomCenter
			local img = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" i
			img = resizeBitmapNET img thumb_size.x thumb_size.y
			btndragdrop.Image = img
			btndragdrop.AllowDrop = true
			-- Setup an event handlers for both buttons
			dotnet.addEventHandler btndragdrop "MouseDown" onMouseDown
			dotnet.addEventHandler btndragdrop "MouseUp" onMouseUp
			dotnet.addEventHandler btndragdrop "MouseEnter" onMouseEnter
			dotnet.addEventHandler btndragdrop "MouseLeave" onMouseLeave
			dotnet.addEventHandler btndragdrop "MouseMove" onMouseMove
			append dnobjarray btndragdrop
			btndragdrop = nothing

		--> Title of gallery type
		colorlabel = dotnetobject "label"
		colorlabel.borderstyle = singleborder
		colorlabel.margin =  dotnetobject "" 2
		colorlabel.backcolor = colorclass.cadetblue
		colorlabel.font= dnfontlarge
		colorlabel.text = "3D Models"			
		colorlabel.size = dotnetobject "system.drawing.size" 516 24	
		colorlabel.textalign =  (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").MiddleCenter		
		--show colorlabel
		--< Title of gallery type 
		flp.controls.add colorlabel	
		flp.controls.addrange dnobjarray
		--flp.MaximumSize = [1000,1000]
		--flp.MinimumSize = [100,100]
		flp.AutoSize = true
		flp.autoscroll = true
		flp.padding = dotnetobject "" 2
		flp.BackColor = colorclass.fromARGB 40 45 66
		showinfo flp
	on mc2TestGalleryDilog resized size do 
		flp.width =  flp.width + (size.x - flp.width) - 13 --offset
		flp.height = flp.height + (size.y - flp.height) - 66 --offset
		--format "v:%	h:%	size:%
" flp.width flp.height size
)-- end rollout
createDialog mc2TestGalleryDilog  style:#(#style_titlebar, 
	#style_sysmenu, #style_minimizebox, #style_maximizebox, #style_sunkenedge, #style_resizing)

for now ,all is going pretty good… next steps is to add some rollouts and buttons
I think I can do that

Nice. I’ve noticed you’ve done some work with the cursors, personally when a script is gonna requiere some loading that might take more that say a second, I like to include something like:

local cursors = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.Cursors"
local cursor = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor"
cursor.current = cursors.WaitCursor


cursor.current = cursors.arrowCursor

That way people KNOW that the script is working. It’s pretty easy to implement and it makes it look a lot more “professional” I think.

Yes Indeed! I like it.
Thanks Again MacroBrunetta


again I'm need some help here...if is possible?

when I'm run this scrip all works fine ... almost
the problem is.. when I'm press any butoon loaded in [b][color=Cyan]"flowlayoutpanel"[/b][/color] with command
[b]mergeMAXFile maxFilePath
[/b]simple[b] reseting[/b][color=#fffffe] max from his own menu  [/color][b]file/reset
Then buttons loaded in  [b][color=Cyan]"flowlayoutpanel"[/b][/color] stops working.
 (no hilglights , no rc menu, the buttons is only sortable when i resize dialog else is comlpetly dead)

here is code

    --			  --
    --  3D Gallery  --
    --			  --
    Global mc3DgalleryDialog
    Global mc2TextBoxDialog
    if mc3DgalleryDialog != undefined do destroyDialog mc3DgalleryDialog
    rollout mc3DgalleryDialog " 3DGallery II:  Models" width:624 height:444
    	--> Local
    	local Root_Dir="", Current_Dir = "", lastMainCat="", lastSubCat=""
    	local Img_Logo	   = (mc2Path()+"Img\\3DGall_About_01.bmp")
    	local colorclass	 = dotnetclass "system.drawing.color"
    	local cursor_harrow  = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor" "C:\WINDOWS\Cursors\harrow.cur" --temp cursor
    	local cursor_hmove   = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor" "C:\WINDOWS\Cursors\hmove.cur" --temp cursor
    	local singleborder   = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle").fixedsingle	
    	local dnfontlarge	= dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
    	local dnMXSlarge	 = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "System" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
   	local dnfont		 = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 6.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)		
    	local thumb_size	 = [160, 120]
    	local selected_items = #(), cat_offset, grp_offset, prg_offset
    	--< Local
    	GroupBox grp_cat "" pos:[64,76] width:556 height:348
    	Timer tmr_resize "Timer" pos:[4,4] width:24 height:24 enabled:true interval:100 active:false
    	--progressBar progbar "ProgressBar" pos:[64,428] width:555 height:12
    	dotNetControl progbar "Windows.Forms.Progressbar" pos:[64,428] width:555 height:12
    	bitmap bmpBg1 "Bitmap" pos:[72,20] width:268 height:28 bitmap:(BitMap 1 1 color:(color 244 220 50))
    	bitmap bmpBg2 "Bitmap" pos:[348,20] width:268 height:28 bitmap:(BitMap 1 1 color:(color 50 200 240))
    	dropdownList ddlMainClass "" pos:[76,24] width:260 height:21
    	dropdownList ddlSubCalss "" pos:[352,24] width:260 height:21
    	button btnCreMainCls "" pos:[8,24] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 161) toolTip:"Create Main Class"
    	button btnDelMainCls "" pos:[32,24] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 150) toolTip:"Delete Main Class"
    	button btnCreSubCls "" pos:[8,48] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 142) toolTip:"Create Sub Class"
    	button btnDelSubCls "" pos:[32,48] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 141) toolTip:"Delete Sub Class"
   	button btnAddModel "" pos:[32,104] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 149) toolTip:"Add selection to Library (press <Ctrl> for quick preview)"
   	button btnMergeModel "" pos:[8,104] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 147) toolTip:"Add selection to Scene (press <Ctrl> to disable automatic rename)"
    	button btnRenModel "" pos:[8,128] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 144) toolTip:"Rename Model"
    	button btnDelModel "" pos:[32,128] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 148) toolTip:"Delete Model"
    	checkbutton ckb_plant "" pos:[8,208] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 145) toolTip:"Planting"
    	checkbutton ckbPSurf "" pos:[8,184] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 146) toolTip:"Pick a surface for planting"
    	checkbutton ckb_cfg "" pos:[8,264] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 143) toolTip:"3DGallery..."
    	checkbutton ckb_multi_plant "" pos:[32,208] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 163) toolTip:"Multiplanting"
    	checkbutton ckb_plant_dialog "" pos:[32,184] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 164) toolTip:"Plant Customize..."
    	button btnHlp "" pos:[32,264] width:24 height:24 images:(mc2Call.getIcon 162) toolTip:"Help..."
    	label lbl4 "Main class:" pos:[72,4] width:180 height:16
    	label lbl5 "Sub class:" pos:[348,4] width:180 height:16
    	dotNetControl flp_cat "flowlayoutpanel" pos:[66,86] width:548 height:332	
    	dotNetControl tb "System.Windows.Forms.Tabcontrol" pos:[72,56] width:160 height:20
    	dotNetControl edt_search "textbox" pos:[348,56] width:267 height:20
    	GroupBox grp8 "Catalog:" pos:[4,4] width:56 height:76
    	GroupBox grp11 "Models:" pos:[4,84] width:56 height:76
    	GroupBox grp12 "Paint:" pos:[4,164] width:56 height:76
    	GroupBox grp13 "SetUp:" pos:[4,244] width:56 height:52
    	button btn_search "Search" pos:[296,56] width:48 height:20
    	button btn_rename "Rename" pos:[244,56] width:48 height:20
    	fn getLastDirFrom path =
    		local arr = ( filterString path "\\" )
    		return arr[arr.count]
    	fn resizeBitmapNET srcBitmap width height useHighQuality:false=
    		local destBitmap = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" width height) --Create new bitmap object
    		destBitmap.SetResolution srcBitmap.HorizontalResolution srcBitmap.VerticalResolution
    		local theGraphics = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Graphics").fromImage destBitmap --Create new Graphics object
    		local destRec = (dotnetObject "System.Drawing.rectangle" 0 0 width height) --Set destination image size
    		IF useHighQuality DO theGraphics.InterpolationMode = theGraphics.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
    		theGraphics.drawImage srcBitmap destRec --Resize the image
    		theGraphics.dispose() --gc
    		return destBitmap
    	fn resizeInterface size =
    		--local h = cat_size.x + (size.x - cat_size.x)
    		--local v = cat_size.y + (size.y - cat_size.y)
    		flp_cat.width  += size.x - flp_cat.width  - cat_offset.x
    		flp_cat.height += size.y - flp_cat.height - cat_offset.y
    		grp_cat.width  += size.x - grp_cat.width  - grp_offset.x
    		grp_cat.height += size.y - grp_cat.height - grp_offset.y
    		progbar.width  += size.x - progbar.width  - grp_offset.x
    		progbar.pos.y  += size.y - progbar.pos.y  - prg_offset.y
    	fn textBox =
    		rollout mc2TextBoxDialog " Command Box v0.1" width:444 height:40
    			local dir = getINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Current_Dir"
    			edittext edtBox "New Name:" pos:[12,12] width:312 height:16 bold:true
    			button btnAcpt "Accept" pos:[332,12] width:48 height:16
    			button btnCncl "Cancel" pos:[384,12] width:48 height:16
    			groupBox grpTx "" pos:[4,0] width:436 height:36
    			fn correctSymbolCheck text =
    				if text.count == 0 do return false
    				local badSymbols = "\/*?"
    				for t=1 to text.count do
    					for s=1 to badSymbols.count do
    						if text[t] == badSymbols[s] do 
    							messagebox "Incorrect Name.
Symbols \ / ?* are not allowed." title:"3DGallery!"
    							return false
    				return true
    			on mc2TextBoxDialog open do (setFocus edtBox)
    			on mc2TextBoxDialog rbuttonup pos do(edtBox.text = "" ;destroyDialog mc2TextBoxDialog)
    			on btnAcpt pressed do
    				local theName = edtBox.text
    				if correctSymbolCheck theName then
   					local existingNames = (for i in (getFiles (dir+"*.*")) collect (getFilenameFile i)) --check for duplicate names
    					if   (findItem existingNames theName) == 0 --check for duplicate names
    					then (DestroyDialog mc2TextBoxDialog)
   					else (messagebox ("The name:<"+edtBox.text+"> is allready exist.") title:" 3D Gallery:" ; setFocus edtBox)
    				else (setFocus edtBox)
    			on btnCncl pressed do (edtBox.text = "" ; DestroyDialog mc2TextBoxDialog)
    		--center to main dialog
    		local dPos  = getDialogPos mc3DgalleryDialog
    		local dSize = getDialogSize mc3DgalleryDialog
    		local inPos =[dPos.x + (dSize.x/2) - 222, dPos.y + (dSize.y/2)]
    		CreateDialog mc2TextBoxDialog pos:inPos style:#(#style_border)  modal:true
    		return mc2TextBoxDialog.edtBox.text
    	fn renderModel img_path =
    		--get ini setting for render
    		local anti	   = execute(getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "AntiAliasing" )
    		local samp	   = execute(getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "PixelSampler" )
    		local shad	   = execute(getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Shadows"	 )
    		local quei	   = execute(getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Quiet"		) 
    		--Render to vbf
    		local oldBgColor = backgroundColor
    		backgroundColor  = execute (getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Thumb_Color")
    		local imgSize	= execute (getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Thumb_Render_Size")
    		local img		= bitmap imgSize.x imgSize.y color:backgroundColor
    		--render phase
    		render outputsize:imgSize antiAliasing:anti enablePixelSampler:samp shadows:shad \
    			   quiet:quei renderType:#selection to:img vfb:off -- outputFile:(img_path+".jpg")
    		--if path is undefined make render with prewiew
    		img.filename = img_path
    		save img quiet:on
    		backgroundColor  = oldBgColor -- return old bg color
    		return img
    	fn deleteFromGallery =
    		if selected_items.count == 0 do return false
    		if not (queryBox "You are sure to delete selected models?" title:" Deleting Models:?") do return false
    		local cat_IniFile   = (Root_Dir+"User_"+lastMainCat+".ini")
    		progbar.foreColor =
    		for i=1 to selected_items.count do
    			try flp_cat.controls.RemoveByKey selected_items[i] catch () 
    			--.IsReadOnly = false
   			try deleteFile (Current_Dir+selected_items[i]+".jpg") catch (print ("deleting: "+Current_Dir+selected_items[i]+".jpg failed"))
   			try deleteFile (Current_Dir+selected_items[i]+".max") catch (print ("deleting: "+Current_Dir+selected_items[i]+".max failed"))
    			try delINISetting cat_IniFile lastSubCat selected_items[i]  catch ()
    			progbar.value = 100.*i/selected_items.count 
    		progbar.value = 0
    		--flp_cat.Refresh() --flp_cat.update() --.SuspendLayout() --.ResetBindings()-- .ResetImeMode()
    	fn mergeModels =
    		if selected_items.count == 0 do return false
    		progbar.foreColor = colorclass.LightSteelBlue
    		for i=1 to selected_items.count do
    			local f = Current_Dir+selected_items[i]+".max"
    			if doesFileExist f do
    				try   (mergeMAXFile f #useSceneMtlDups #mergeDups #select ) 
   				catch (messagebox ( "Merging model:<" + selected_items[i] + "> is failed.
File is mising or is corupted." ) title: " Warning!")
    				--prevent dupplicate names in scene
    				if not keyboard.controlPressed then (for o in selection do = uniqueName (
    			progbar.value = 100.*i/selected_items.count 
    		progbar.value = 0
    		--setfocus mc3DgalleryDialog.flp_cat
    	fn onMouseDown ctrl evnt =
    		--format "MouseDown: % [%]
" ctrl (evnt.button.tostring())
    		local RButton = (evnt.button == (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons").Right)
    		local itmName = ctrl.text
    		if RButton then --"Show RC Menu"
    			rcMenu thumbMenu
    				menuItem new_1 "Add To Scene..."
    				separator file_menu_1
    				menuItem new_2 "Rename ..."
    				menuItem new_3 "Delete..."
    				on new_1 picked do mergeModels()
    				on new_2 picked do format " Rename... %
" selected_items
    				on new_3 picked do deleteFromGallery()
    			PopupMenu thumbMenu
    		--if System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseButtons == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left
    		else if ctrl.forecolor == 
    			deleteItem selected_items (findItem selected_items itmName) 
    			ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.yellow
    			append selected_items itmName
    			ctrl.forecolor =
    			edt_search.text = ctrl.text
    		ctrl.Cursor = cursor_hmove
    	fn onMouseUp ctrl evnt =
    	   ctrl.Cursor = cursor_harrow
    	   -- format "MouseUp: % [%]
" ctrl (evnt.button.tostring())
    	fn onMouseEnter ctrl evnt =
    		--format "MouseEnter % [%]
" ctrl evnt
    		if ctrl.forecolor != do ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.yellow
    		ctrl.Cursor = cursor_harrow
    	fn onMouseLeave ctrl evnt = --drag and drop
    		--format "MouseLeave % [%]
" ctrl evnt
    		if ctrl.forecolor != do ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.LightSteelBlue
    		--edt_search.text = "MouseLeave: " + ctrl.text 
    	fn onMouseMove ctrl evnt =
    		--format "Move!
	Sender : %
	Mouse Pos : %
" ctrl.Text [evnt.X, evnt.Y]
    	fn getRootDir =
    		if mc2UserINI == undefined or not doesFileExist mc2UserINI do return false
    		local Root_Dir = (getINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Root_Dir")
    		if doesFileExist Root_Dir do return Root_Dir
    		if mc2GallerySetupDialog != undefined do destroyDialog mc2GallerySetupDialog
    		rollout mc2GallerySetupDialog " Inicialize 3DGallery Database:" width:332 height:148
    			local Root_Dir = ""
    			GroupBox grpDir "Please put you 3DGallery directory..." pos:[8,4] width:316 height:136
    			button btnSetDir "Set Dir" pos:[16,108] width:164 height:24
    			bitmap bmpPop1 "Bitmap" pos:[16,24] width:300 height:80 fileName:Img_Logo
    			button BtnCancel "Cancel" pos:[252,108] width:64 height:24
    			on btnCancel pressed  do (destroyDialog mc2GallerySetupDialog)
    			on btnSetDir pressed  do 
    				local p = (getSavePath caption:"Chose Catalog Directory.")
    				if p != undefined do
    					Root_Dir = p+"\\"
    					setINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Root_Dir" Root_Dir
    					destroyDialog mc2GallerySetupDialog
    		createDialog mc2GallerySetupDialog style:#(#style_toolwindow) modal:true
    		return mc2GallerySetupDialog.Root_Dir
    	fn addImageToButton img_path =
    		local img_btn = dotnetobject "button"
    		img_btn.size = dotnetobject "system.drawing.size" thumb_size.x thumb_size.y --160 120
    		--img_btn.backcolor = colorclass.yellow --cadetblue -- tag color
    		img_btn.forecolor = colorclass.LightSteelBlue --text color
    		img_btn.margin =  dotnetobject "" 2 -- thumbs distance
    		img_btn.flatstyle = (dotNetclass "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle").flat
    		img_btn.font= dnfont
    		img_btn.text = getFilenameFile img_path = img_btn.text
    		img_btn.textalign =  (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").BottomCenter
    		local img_path = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" img_path
    		local img_copy = resizeBitmapNET img_path thumb_size.x thumb_size.y
    		img_btn.Image = img_copy
    		img_btn.AllowDrop = true
    		--img_btn.showTooltip -- WIP	
    		-- Setup an event handlers for both buttons
    		dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseDown" onMouseDown
    		dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseUp" onMouseUp
    		dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseEnter" onMouseEnter
    		dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseLeave" onMouseLeave
    		dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseMove" onMouseMove img_path
    		return img_btn
    	fn loadGallery type:1 = --type = tab controll state
    		selected_items = #()
    		Current_Dir = Root_Dir + lastMainCat + "\\" + lastSubCat + "\\"
    		setINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Current_Dir" Current_Dir 
    		--format "Current_Dir:%
" Current_Dir
    		if not doesFileExist Current_Dir do return false
    		local Images_Array = getFiles (Current_Dir + "*.jpg")
    		--change cursor to wait
    		local cursors = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.Cursors"
    		local cursor = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor"
    		cursor.current = cursors.WaitCursor
    		case type of -- WIP
    			0:(print "Loading... Models")
    			1:(print "Loading... Materials" )
    			2:(print "Loading...  Textures")
    		progbar.foreColor = colorclass.LightSteelBlue
    		local dnobjarray = #()
    		for i=1 to Images_Array.count do
    			flp_cat.controls.add (addImageToButton Images_Array[i])
    			--append dnobjarray (addImageToButton Images_Array[i])
    			progbar.value = 100.*i/Images_Array.count 
    		--flp_cat.controls.addrange dnobjarray
    		cursor.current = cursors.Arrow
    		progbar.value = 0
    	fn addTogallery =
    		if selection.count == 0 do (messageBox "Select some object to add." title:"3DGallery!" ;return false)
    		if lastSubCat == undefined do (messageBox "Create <Sub clas> catalog." title:"3DGallery!" ;return false)
    		local name_from_box = textBox()
    		if name_from_box == "" do return false
    		--render selection 
    		local img_path = Current_Dir+name_from_box+".jpg"
    		local max_path = Current_Dir+name_from_box+".max"
    		local useIniFile   = (Root_Dir+"User_"+lastMainCat+".ini")
    		renderModel img_path
    		--save selection
    		saveNodes selection max_path
    		--security lock and user data
    		if not doesFileExist useIniFile do
    			local f = createFile useIniFile
    			close f
    		--reload , resort gallery
    		loadGallery type:tb.SelectedIndex flp_cat
    		--create a button and load thummbnail
    		--flp_cat.controls.add (addImageToButton img_path)
    	fn loadMainCat = --remember main dir where you browse last time
    		--collect folders for main cat
    		local mainDirs = sort(getDirectories (Root_Dir+"*.*"))
    		if mainDirs.count == 0 do return false
    		ddlMainClass.items = for i in mainDirs collect (getLastDirFrom i)--get the last dir from path
    		--last main cat
    		lastMainCat = getINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "lastMainCat"
    		if (local num = findItem ddlMainClass.items lastMainCat) != 0 
    		then (ddlMainClass.selection = num)
    		else (ddlMainClass.selection = 1 ; lastMainCat = ddlMainClass.items[1])
    		return true
    	fn loadSubCat = --remember sub dir where you browse last time
    		--collect folders for sub cat
    		local subDirs = sort( getDirectories (Root_Dir + lastMainCat + "\\*.*") )
    		if subDirs.count == 0 do return false
    		ddlSubCalss.items = for i in subDirs collect (getLastDirFrom i)--get the last dir from path
    		--last sub cat
    		lastSubCat = getINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "lastSubCat"
    		if (local num = findItem ddlSubCalss.items lastSubCat) != 0 
    		then (ddlSubCalss.selection = num)
    		else (ddlSubCalss.selection = 1 ; lastSubCat = ddlSubCalss.items[1])
    		loadGallery type:tb.SelectedIndex
    		return true
    	fn tabControll iobj lvl =
    		case lvl of
    			0:(iobj.title = " 3DGallery II:  Models")
    			1:(iobj.title = " 3DGallery II:  Materials")
    			2:(iobj.title = " 3DGallery II:  Textures")
    	fn inicializeInterface =
    		-->check gallery root dir
    		Root_Dir = getRootDir()
    		if not doesFileExist Root_Dir do return false
    		--format "Root_Dir:%
" Root_Dir
    		-->collect params for resizing interface
    		local cat_size = [flp_cat.width		  , flp_cat.height		  ]
    		local grp_size = [grp_cat.width		  , grp_cat.height		  ]
    		local dia_size = [mc3DgalleryDialog.width, mc3DgalleryDialog.height]
    		cat_offset = dia_size - cat_size
    		grp_offset = dia_size - grp_size 
    		prg_offset = dia_size - progbar.pos
    		--<collect params for resizing interface
    		local Tabs_Array = #("Models", "Materials", "Textures")
    		for i in Tabs_Array do
    			 tb.TabPages.add i
    		-->Progress Bar =
    		progbar.backColor = colorclass.fromARGB 40 45 66
    		--<Progress Bar
    		flp_cat.AutoSize = true
    		flp_cat.autoscroll = true
    		flp_cat.padding = dotnetobject "" 2
    		flp_cat.BackColor = colorclass.fromARGB 40 45 66
    		-->load dropDown lists Main & Sub
    		local sub_cat_found = if loadMainCat() then loadSubCat() else false flp_cat
    		return true
    	on mc3DgalleryDialog open		 do (if not inicializeInterface() do destroyDialog mc3DgalleryDialog)
    	on tb Selected itm				do (tabControll mc3DgalleryDialog itm.TabPageIndex )
    	on mc3DgalleryDialog resized size do (resizeInterface size)
    	on mc3DgalleryDialog lbuttondblclk pos do (loadGallery type:tb.SelectedIndex)
    	on ddlMainClass selected sel do
    		if sel != 0 do
    			setINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "lastMainCat" ddlMainClass.items[sel]
    			lastMainCat = ddlMainClass.items[sel]
    	on ddlSubCalss  selected sel do 
    		if sel != 0 do
    			setINISetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "lastSubCat" ddlSubCalss.items[sel]
    			lastSubCat = ddlSubCalss.items[sel]
    			loadGallery type:tb.SelectedIndex
    	--on btnCreMainCls pressed  do (fun.createMainClass() )
    	--on btnDelMainCls pressed  do (fun.deleteMainClass() )
    	--on btnCreSubCls pressed   do (fun.createSubClass () )
    	--on btnDelSubCls pressed   do (fun.deleteSubClass () )
    	on btnAddModel pressed	do (addToGallery())
    	on btnMergeModel pressed  do (mergeModels ())
    	--on btnRenModel pressed	do (fun.renameModel	() )	
    	--on btnDelModel pressed	do (fun.deleteModel	() )
    	--on btnHlp pressed		 do (ShellLaunch helpFile "")
    )-- end rollout
    createDialog mc3DgalleryDialog  style:#(#style_titlebar, 
    	#style_sysmenu, #style_minimizebox, #style_maximizebox, #style_sunkenedge, #style_resizing)
    [628,420] - [544,324]
    [628,420] - [560,340]
    		setINISetting useIniFile lastSubCat name_from_box (#(sysInfo.username,localTime) as string)	--save thumb info to ini
    Many Thanks To:
    Mike Biddlecombe
I'm searching this all day and cant find the solution....:banghead:

I get a few missing variables when I try to run the code, any chance you could clean it up a bit so I can try it? (I’m lazy, I know =P)

hehe is ok , I will try to remove some parts of code

here is it :

--			 --
-- 3D Gallery --
--			 --
Global mc3DgalleryDialog
Global mc2TextBoxDialog
if mc3DgalleryDialog != undefined do destroyDialog mc3DgalleryDialog
rollout mc3DgalleryDialog " 3DGallery II: Models" width:624 height:444
--> Local
local Root_Dir="", Current_Dir = "", lastMainCat="", lastSubCat=""
local Img_Logo	 = "C:\\WINDOWS\\Coffee Bean.bmp"--(mc2Path()+"Img\\3DGall_About_01.bmp")
local colorclass	 = dotnetclass "system.drawing.color"
local cursor_harrow = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor" "C:\WINDOWS\Cursors\harrow.cur" --temp cursor
local cursor_hmove = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor" "C:\WINDOWS\Cursors\hmove.cur" --temp cursor
local singleborder = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle").fixedsingle 
local dnfontlarge	= dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
local dnMXSlarge	 = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "System" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
local dnfont		 = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 6.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold) 
local thumb_size	 = [160, 120]
local selected_items = #(), cat_offset, grp_offset, prg_offset
--< Local
GroupBox grp_cat "" pos:[64,76] width:556 height:348
Timer tmr_resize "Timer" pos:[4,4] width:24 height:24 enabled:true interval:100 active:false
--progressBar progbar "ProgressBar" pos:[64,428] width:555 height:12
dotNetControl progbar "Windows.Forms.Progressbar" pos:[64,428] width:555 height:12
bitmap bmpBg1 "Bitmap" pos:[72,20] width:268 height:28 bitmap:(BitMap 1 1 color:(color 244 220 50))
bitmap bmpBg2 "Bitmap" pos:[348,20] width:268 height:28 bitmap:(BitMap 1 1 color:(color 50 200 240))
dropdownList ddlMainClass "" pos:[76,24] width:260 height:21
dropdownList ddlSubClass "" pos:[352,24] width:260 height:21
button btnCreMainCls "" pos:[8,24] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 161) toolTip:"Create Main Class"
button btnDelMainCls "" pos:[32,24] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 150) toolTip:"Delete Main Class"
button btnCreSubCls "" pos:[8,48] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 142) toolTip:"Create Sub Class"
button btnDelSubCls "" pos:[32,48] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 141) toolTip:"Delete Sub Class"
button btnAddModel "" pos:[32,104] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 149) toolTip:"Add selection to Library (press <Ctrl> for quick preview)"
button btnMergeModel "" pos:[8,104] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 147) toolTip:"Add selection to Scene (press <Ctrl> to disable automatic rename)"
button btnRenModel "" pos:[8,128] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 144) toolTip:"Rename Model"
button btnDelModel "" pos:[32,128] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 148) toolTip:"Delete Model"
checkbutton ckb_plant "" pos:[8,208] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 145) toolTip:"Planting"
checkbutton ckbPSurf "" pos:[8,184] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 146) toolTip:"Pick a surface for planting"
checkbutton ckb_cfg "" pos:[8,264] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 143) toolTip:"3DGallery..."
checkbutton ckb_multi_plant "" pos:[32,208] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 163) toolTip:"Multiplanting"
checkbutton ckb_plant_dialog "" pos:[32,184] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 164) toolTip:"Plant Customize..."
button btnHlp "" pos:[32,264] width:24 height:24 --images:(mc2Call.getIcon 162) toolTip:"Help..."
label lbl4 "Main class:" pos:[72,4] width:180 height:16
label lbl5 "Sub class:" pos:[348,4] width:180 height:16
dotNetControl flp_cat "flowlayoutpanel" pos:[66,86] width:548 height:332 
dotNetControl tb "System.Windows.Forms.Tabcontrol" pos:[72,56] width:160 height:20
dotNetControl edt_search "textbox" pos:[348,56] width:267 height:20
GroupBox grp8 "Catalog:" pos:[4,4] width:56 height:76
GroupBox grp11 "Models:" pos:[4,84] width:56 height:76
GroupBox grp12 "Paint:" pos:[4,164] width:56 height:76
GroupBox grp13 "SetUp:" pos:[4,244] width:56 height:52
button btn_search "Search" pos:[296,56] width:48 height:20
button btn_rename "Rename" pos:[244,56] width:48 height:20
fn getLastDirFrom path =
local arr = ( filterString path "\\" )
return arr[arr.count]
fn resizeBitmapNET srcBitmap width height useHighQuality:false=
local destBitmap = (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" width height) --Create new bitmap object
destBitmap.SetResolution srcBitmap.HorizontalResolution srcBitmap.VerticalResolution
local theGraphics = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Graphics").fromImage destBitmap --Create new Graphics object
local destRec = (dotnetObject "System.Drawing.rectangle" 0 0 width height) --Set destination image size
IF useHighQuality DO theGraphics.InterpolationMode = theGraphics.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
theGraphics.drawImage srcBitmap destRec --Resize the image
theGraphics.dispose() --gc
return destBitmap
fn resizeInterface size =
--local h = cat_size.x + (size.x - cat_size.x)
--local v = cat_size.y + (size.y - cat_size.y)
flp_cat.width += size.x - flp_cat.width - cat_offset.x
flp_cat.height += size.y - flp_cat.height - cat_offset.y
grp_cat.width += size.x - grp_cat.width - grp_offset.x
grp_cat.height += size.y - grp_cat.height - grp_offset.y
progbar.width += size.x - progbar.width - grp_offset.x
progbar.pos.y += size.y - progbar.pos.y - prg_offset.y
fn textBox =
rollout mc2TextBoxDialog " Command Box v0.1" width:444 height:40
local dir = ""
edittext edtBox "New Name:" pos:[12,12] width:312 height:16 bold:true
button btnAcpt "Accept" pos:[332,12] width:48 height:16
button btnCncl "Cancel" pos:[384,12] width:48 height:16
groupBox grpTx "" pos:[4,0] width:436 height:36
fn correctSymbolCheck text =
	if text.count == 0 do return false
	local badSymbols = "\/*?"
	for t=1 to text.count do
	 for s=1 to badSymbols.count do
	 if text[t] == badSymbols[s] do 
	 messagebox "Incorrect Name.
Symbols \ / ?* are not allowed." title:"3DGallery!"
	 return false
	return true
on mc2TextBoxDialog open do (setFocus edtBox)
on mc2TextBoxDialog rbuttonup pos do(edtBox.text = "" ;destroyDialog mc2TextBoxDialog)
on btnAcpt pressed do
	local theName = edtBox.text
	if correctSymbolCheck theName then
	 local existingNames = (for i in (getFiles (dir+"*.*")) collect (getFilenameFile i)) --check for duplicate names
	 if (findItem existingNames theName) == 0 --check for duplicate names
	 then (DestroyDialog mc2TextBoxDialog)
	 else (messagebox ("The name:<"+edtBox.text+"> is allready exist.") title:" 3D Gallery:" ; setFocus edtBox)
	else (setFocus edtBox)
on btnCncl pressed do (edtBox.text = "" ; DestroyDialog mc2TextBoxDialog)
--center to main dialog
local dPos = getDialogPos mc3DgalleryDialog
local dSize = getDialogSize mc3DgalleryDialog
local inPos =[dPos.x + (dSize.x/2) - 222, dPos.y + (dSize.y/2)]
CreateDialog mc2TextBoxDialog pos:inPos style:#(#style_border) modal:true
return mc2TextBoxDialog.edtBox.text
fn renderModel img_path =
--get ini setting for render
local anti	 = execute(getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "AntiAliasing" )
local samp	 = execute(getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "PixelSampler" )
local shad	 = execute(getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Shadows"	 )
local quei	 = execute(getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Quiet"		) 
--Render to vbf
local oldBgColor = backgroundColor
backgroundColor = execute (getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Thumb_Color")
local imgSize	= execute (getIniSetting mc2UserINI "3DGallery" "Thumb_Render_Size")
local img		= bitmap imgSize.x imgSize.y color:backgroundColor
--render phase
render outputsize:imgSize antiAliasing:anti enablePixelSampler:samp shadows:shad \
	 quiet:quei renderType:#selection to:img vfb:off -- outputFile:(img_path+".jpg")
--if path is undefined make render with prewiew
img.filename = img_path
save img quiet:on
backgroundColor = oldBgColor -- return old bg color
return img
fn mergeModels =
if selected_items.count == 0 do return false
progbar.foreColor = colorclass.LightSteelBlue
for i=1 to selected_items.count do
local f = Current_Dir+selected_items[i]+".max"
if doesFileExist f do
	try (mergeMAXFile f #useSceneMtlDups #mergeDups #select ) 
	catch (messagebox ( "Merging model:<" + selected_items[i] + "> is failed.
File is mising or is corupted." ) title: " Warning!")
	--prevent dupplicate names in scene
	if not keyboard.controlPressed then (for o in selection do = uniqueName (
progbar.value = 100.*i/selected_items.count 
progbar.value = 0
--setfocus mc3DgalleryDialog.flp_cat
fn onMouseDown ctrl evnt =
--format "MouseDown: % [%]
" ctrl (evnt.button.tostring())
local RButton = (evnt.button == (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons").Right)
local itmName = ctrl.text
if RButton then --"Show RC Menu"
rcMenu thumbMenu
	menuItem new_1 "Add To Scene..."
	separator file_menu_1
	menuItem new_2 "Rename ..."
	menuItem new_3 "Delete..."
	on new_1 picked do mergeModels()
	on new_2 picked do format " Rename... %
" selected_items
	on new_3 picked do deleteFromGallery()
PopupMenu thumbMenu
--if System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseButtons == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left
else if ctrl.forecolor == 
deleteItem selected_items (findItem selected_items itmName) 
ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.yellow
append selected_items itmName
ctrl.forecolor =
edt_search.text = ctrl.text
ctrl.Cursor = cursor_hmove
	fn onMouseUp ctrl evnt =
	 ctrl.Cursor = cursor_harrow
	-- format "MouseUp: % [%]
" ctrl (evnt.button.tostring())
fn onMouseEnter ctrl evnt =
		--format "MouseEnter % [%]
" ctrl evnt
if ctrl.forecolor != do ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.yellow
ctrl.Cursor = cursor_harrow
fn onMouseLeave ctrl evnt = --drag and drop
		--format "MouseLeave % [%]
" ctrl evnt
if ctrl.forecolor != do ctrl.forecolor = colorclass.LightSteelBlue
--edt_search.text = "MouseLeave: " + ctrl.text 
fn onMouseMove ctrl evnt =
--format "Move!
	Sender : %
	Mouse Pos : %
" ctrl.Text [evnt.X, evnt.Y]
fn getRootDir =
--if mc2UserINI == undefined or not doesFileExist mc2UserINI do return false
local Root_Dir = ""
if doesFileExist Root_Dir do return Root_Dir
if mc2GallerySetupDialog != undefined do destroyDialog mc2GallerySetupDialog
rollout mc2GallerySetupDialog " Inicialize 3DGallery Database:" width:332 height:148
local Root_Dir = ""
GroupBox grpDir "Please put you 3DGallery directory..." pos:[8,4] width:316 height:136
button btnSetDir "Set Dir" pos:[16,108] width:164 height:24
bitmap bmpPop1 "Bitmap" pos:[16,24] width:300 height:80 fileName:Img_Logo
button BtnCancel "Cancel" pos:[252,108] width:64 height:24
on btnCancel pressed do (destroyDialog mc2GallerySetupDialog)
on btnSetDir pressed do 
	local p = (getSavePath caption:"Chose Catalog Directory.")
	if p != undefined do
	 Root_Dir = p+"\\"
	 destroyDialog mc2GallerySetupDialog
createDialog mc2GallerySetupDialog style:#(#style_toolwindow) modal:true
return mc2GallerySetupDialog.Root_Dir
fn addImageToButton img_path =
local img_btn = dotnetobject "button"
img_btn.size = dotnetobject "system.drawing.size" thumb_size.x thumb_size.y --160 120
--img_btn.backcolor = colorclass.yellow --cadetblue -- tag color
img_btn.forecolor = colorclass.LightSteelBlue --text color
img_btn.margin = dotnetobject "" 2 -- thumbs distance
img_btn.flatstyle = (dotNetclass "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle").flat
img_btn.font= dnfont
img_btn.text = getFilenameFile img_path = img_btn.text
img_btn.textalign = (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").BottomCenter
local img_path = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" img_path
local img_copy = resizeBitmapNET img_path thumb_size.x thumb_size.y
img_btn.Image = img_copy
img_btn.AllowDrop = true
--img_btn.showTooltip -- WIP 
-- Setup an event handlers for both buttons
dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseDown" onMouseDown
dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseUp" onMouseUp
dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseEnter" onMouseEnter
dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseLeave" onMouseLeave
dotnet.addEventHandler img_btn "MouseMove" onMouseMove img_path
return img_btn
fn loadGallery type:1 = --type = tab controll state
selected_items = #()
Current_Dir = Root_Dir + lastMainCat + "\\" + lastSubCat + "\\"
--format "Current_Dir:%
" Current_Dir
if not doesFileExist Current_Dir do return false
local Images_Array = getFiles (Current_Dir + "*.jpg")
--change cursor to wait
local cursors = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.Cursors"
local cursor = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor"
cursor.current = cursors.WaitCursor
case type of -- WIP
0:(print "Loading... Models")
1:(print "Loading... Materials" )
2:(print "Loading... Textures")
progbar.foreColor = colorclass.LightSteelBlue
local dnobjarray = #()
for i=1 to Images_Array.count do
flp_cat.controls.add (addImageToButton Images_Array[i])
--append dnobjarray (addImageToButton Images_Array[i])
progbar.value = 100.*i/Images_Array.count 
--flp_cat.controls.addrange dnobjarray
cursor.current = cursors.Arrow
progbar.value = 0
fn addTogallery =
if selection.count == 0 do (messageBox "Select some object to add." title:"3DGallery!" ;return false)
if lastSubCat == undefined do (messageBox "Create <Sub clas> catalog." title:"3DGallery!" ;return false)
local name_from_box = textBox()
if name_from_box == "" do return false
--render selection 
local img_path = Current_Dir+name_from_box+".jpg"
local max_path = Current_Dir+name_from_box+".max"
local useIniFile = (Root_Dir+"User_"+lastMainCat+".ini")
renderModel img_path
--save selection
saveNodes selection max_path
--security lock and user data
if not doesFileExist useIniFile do
local f = createFile useIniFile
close f
--reload , resort gallery
loadGallery type:tb.SelectedIndex flp_cat
--create a button and load thummbnail
--flp_cat.controls.add (addImageToButton img_path)
fn loadMainCat = --remember main dir where you browse last time
--collect folders for main cat
local mainDirs = sort(getDirectories (Root_Dir+"*.*"))
if mainDirs.count == 0 do return false
ddlMainClass.items = for i in mainDirs collect (getLastDirFrom i)--get the last dir from path
--last main cat
ddlMainClass.selection = 1
lastMainCat = ddlMainClass.items[1]
return true
fn loadSubCat = --remember sub dir where you browse last time
--collect folders for sub cat
local subDirs = sort( getDirectories (Root_Dir + lastMainCat + "\\*.*") )
if subDirs.count == 0 do return false
ddlSubClass.items = for i in subDirs collect (getLastDirFrom i)--get the last dir from path
--last sub cat
ddlSubClass.selection = 1
lastSubCat = ddlSubClass.items[1]
loadGallery type:tb.SelectedIndex
return true
fn tabControll iobj lvl =
case lvl of
0:(iobj.title = " 3DGallery II: Models")
1:(iobj.title = " 3DGallery II: Materials")
2:(iobj.title = " 3DGallery II: Textures")
fn inicializeInterface =
-->check gallery root dir
Root_Dir = getRootDir()
if not doesFileExist Root_Dir do return false
--format "Root_Dir:%
" Root_Dir
-->collect params for resizing interface
local cat_size = [flp_cat.width		 , flp_cat.height		 ]
local grp_size = [grp_cat.width		 , grp_cat.height		 ]
local dia_size = [mc3DgalleryDialog.width, mc3DgalleryDialog.height]
cat_offset = dia_size - cat_size
grp_offset = dia_size - grp_size 
prg_offset = dia_size - progbar.pos
--<collect params for resizing interface
local Tabs_Array = #("Models", "Materials", "Textures")
for i in Tabs_Array do
	tb.TabPages.add i
-->Progress Bar =
progbar.backColor = colorclass.fromARGB 40 45 66
--<Progress Bar
flp_cat.AutoSize = true
flp_cat.autoscroll = true
flp_cat.padding = dotnetobject "" 2
flp_cat.BackColor = colorclass.fromARGB 40 45 66
-->load dropDown lists Main & Sub
local sub_cat_found = if loadMainCat() then loadSubCat() else false flp_cat
return true
on mc3DgalleryDialog open		 do (if not inicializeInterface() do destroyDialog mc3DgalleryDialog)
on tb Selected itm				do (tabControll mc3DgalleryDialog itm.TabPageIndex )
on mc3DgalleryDialog resized size do (resizeInterface size)
on mc3DgalleryDialog lbuttondblclk pos do (loadGallery type:tb.SelectedIndex)
on ddlMainClass selected sel do
if sel != 0 do
lastMainCat = ddlMainClass.items[sel]
on ddlSubClass selected sel do 
if sel != 0 do
lastSubCat = ddlSubClass.items[sel]
loadGallery type:tb.SelectedIndex
)-- end rollout
createDialog mc3DgalleryDialog style:#(#style_titlebar, 
#style_sysmenu, #style_minimizebox, #style_maximizebox, #style_sunkenedge, #style_resizing)
Many Thanks To:
Mike Biddlecombe

I hope is ok now

–set dir when dialog is open
–in the dir must be jpg images with same names as the maxFiles
test.jpg and test.max , test2.jpg and test2.max …
–after right click on thumbnail and chose Add models To scene
–you will see …

I’m looked at the LoneRobot site
and tried his script …

The same problem is here

-After merging some object in to scene or reset max file

the buttons stops working…

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

[color=red]I confirm this BUG!!! All controls added to FlowLayoutPanel loose their event Handlers after any max operation which causes garbage collection (open file, new, merge, reset, etc.), and [color=yellow]gc() itself. I’ve tested it in MAX 2009 and 2010… Same story. [/color]
FlowLayoutPanel keeps its own events, but all its controls loose own event handlers. It scared me a lot and I’ve tested other controls for same behavior. Label, Button, Splitter work fine…

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