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[Closed] DotNet controls Picture Box


I’m trying to remake my old Asset Browser and use dotNet forms.
But when I’m searched in the internet to learn more about this stuff…
I realize what most of people create their own dll files.
And using dotnet.loadAssembly
to load them in to max.
This is very good! But not for me ,because I don’t know any of C++ or VB , Pascal
. languages
Is there any way to avoid this and create a simple browser with already existing functions in DotNet?

so… I started to create an array of images

imgPaths = getFiles “C:\Temp\Images\*.jpg”

and after, load them in to picture boxes and add in form

 	local imgPaths = getFiles "C:\\Temp\\Images\\*.jpg"
 	local colors = dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color"
 	local dockStyle = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle"
 	--collect images
 	local imgArray = #()
 	for i=1 to imgPaths.count do
 		local pic = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox"
 		pic.width = 160
 		pic.height = 120
 		pic.Padding = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Padding" 4
 		--pic.Cursor = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor" "C:\	emp\\images\\hnwse.cur"
 		pic.AllowDrop = true
 		imgArray[i] = pic
 		imgArray[i].image = (dotNetclass "System.Drawing.Image").fromfile imgPaths[i]
 	--add images to form
 	local dotForm = (dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.Form")
 	for i=1 to imgPaths.count do dotForm.Controls.add imgArray[i]
 	dotForm.Text = " Picture Box Test 1"
 	dotForm.topmost = true
       Something is not right here , all the pictures is on same place.

I can’t find a command to put them right.

       I’m tried also dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ImageList" , but there I’m lost completely ...

I dont know why this is not working???

– LargeIconEach item appears as a full-sized icon with a label below it.
lv.View = (dotNetClass “System.Windows.Forms.View”). LargeIcon

       [ ]( 

 rollout mc2Gallery2Dialog "3DsMax Gallery II" width:592 height:692
 	--> Local
 	local jpg_images_dir = "E:\\3DGallery\\Weapons\\Swords"
 	--< Local
 	dotNetControl lv "System.Windows.Forms.ListView" pos:[84,38] width:504 height:650
 	dropdownList ddl1 "" pos:[84,8] width:228 height:21 items:#("Class")
 	dropdownList ddl2 "" pos:[360,8] width:228 height:21 items:#("Type")
 	--> Functions
 	fn myCallback = ( return false )
 	fn fillTagsWith images =
 		fn callback_abort = ( dotnetObject "System.Drawing.Image+GetThumbnailImageAbort" myCallback())
 		local ptr_callback_abort = dotNetClass "System.IntPtr"
 		image_list = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ImageList"
 		image_list.ColorDepth = image_list.ColorDepth.Depth24Bit
 		image_list.ImageSize = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 160 120
 		for i in images do
 			local thumb = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" i
 			image_list.images.add thumb
 		return image_list
 	fn inicialitzaListView lv =
 		lv.View = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.View").List -- LargeIcon --X--
 		lv.showitemtooltips = true
 	fn fillListView lv image_list =
 		lv.SmallImageList = fillTagsWith image_list
 		for i = 1 to image_list.count do
 			tag = image_list[i]
 			ListViewOps.AddLvItem lv pTextItems:#("",(getFilenameFile tag)) pImgIndex:(i-1)
 	--< Functions
 	on mc2Gallery2Dialog open do
 		inicialitzaListView lv
 		--load images
 		if doesFileExist jpg_images_dir do
 			jpg_images = getFiles (jpg_images_dir + "\\*.jpg")
 			fillListView lv jpg_images
 createDialog mc2Gallery2Dialog style:#(#style_titlebar,
 	#style_sysmenu, #style_minimizebox, #style_maximizebox, #style_sunkenedge, #style_resizing)
       if anybody knows, please let me know... thanks
 Here is a pic of my old browser...
         [img] [/img]

Browser Usage:

1)add /store scene models (snap model to surface if exist)
2)paint models in to surface (setup random count, pos ,rotation, for each model in the set)
3)add/store scene materials
4)add/store textures

Browser Property:

1)Resizable with automatic thumbnails sorting
2)Add, delete or rename items
2)Remember user settings: thumb size, random params in set, dialog position, dialog scale, dropdown list selection
4) drag and drop method for models and materials + ctrl alt shift hotkeys for rotation and scale

39 Replies

Sure this can be done without it. You will have to be a bit more creative maybe with how you go about it. Have a look at placing the images in grid view cels or even try out extraTreeList out lined here.

hi PEN thanks for the advice

but there is another problem.. it seems the [font=&quot][color=Cyan][b]XtraTreeList[/b] [/color]has no property

[font=Verdana]maybe is because I’m using 3DsMax 9[/font]

rollout tltest "XtraTreeList Test" width: 300 height: 200
	dotNetControl tl "DevExpress.XtraTreeList.TreeList" width: 274 height: 180
	fn getInfo itm =
		try (	format "show:%
"	 (show itm)			) catch (print "undefined")
		try (	format "interface:%
" (showinterface itm)	) catch (print "undefined")
		try (	format "methods:%
" (showmethods itm)	) catch (print "undefined")
		try (	format "prop:%
"	 (showproperties itm)	) catch (print "undefined")
	on tltest open do getInfo tl
createdialog tltest

Result in Listener:


You could also create a flowLayoutPanel, and add labels or imageboxes or whatever to it’s “controls” property. The flowLayoutPanel will take care of the sorting which is pretty nice.

I found some references about flowlayoutpanel from LoneRobot site.

I’m already made some basic functions, but I’m worry with it is to difficult for me…

   rollout mc2TestGalleryDilog "3DsMax 9 Gallery II" width:556 height:597
   	--> Local
   	local jpg_images_dir = "E:\\3DGallery\\Weapons\\Swords" 
   	local colorclass = dotnetclass "system.drawing.color"
   	--< Local
   	dotNetControl flp "flowlayoutpanel" pos:[5,52] width:543 height:531	
   	dotNetControl legend "textbox" pos:[5,4] width:543 height:20
   	fn Btn_Pressed sender eventargs =
   		local stringdata
   		legend.forecolor = sender.forecolor		
   		legend.backcolor = if sender.text == "Transparent" then colorclass.white else sender.backcolor		
   		--higlight thumbnails
   		if sender.backcolor == colorclass.yellow
   			stringdata = "pressed 1"--sender.tag
   			sender.backcolor = colorclass.cadetblue
   			stringdata = "pressed 2"--sender.text	
   			sender.backcolor = colorclass.yellow --not working too
   		--mouse up
   		--btndragdrop.backcolor = (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Color").yellow
   		--mouse down
   		--btndragdrop.backcolor = (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Color").orangered
   		legend.text = stringdata
   		--showmethods eventargs
   		show eventargs
   		--show eventargs.Clicks
   		--changing cursor --not works
   		-- sender.clientrectangle.contains args.x args.y --cant implement
   		if (eventargs.x !=0 and eventargs.y != 0) then
   			setsyscur #arrow
   			setSysCur #select
   	on mc2TestGalleryDilog open do
   		local singleborder = (dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle").fixedsingle	
   		local dnfont = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 6.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
   		local dnfontlarge = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Verdana" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
   		local dnMXSlarge = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "System" 8.5 ((dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").bold)
   		flp.autoscroll = true	
   		flp.padding = dotnetobject "" 2	
   		local dnobjarray = #()			
   		Images_Array = getFiles (jpg_images_dir + "\\*.jpg")
   		for i in Images_Array do
   			btndragdrop = dotnetobject "button"
   			btndragdrop.size = dotnetobject "system.drawing.size" 160 120
   			--btndragdrop.backcolor = colorclass.yellow --cadetblue -- tag color
   			btndragdrop.forecolor = colorclass.ivory --text color
   			btndragdrop.margin =  dotnetobject "" 2 -- thumbs distance
   			btndragdrop.flatstyle = (dotNetclass "System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle").flat
   			btndragdrop.font= dnfont
   			btndragdrop.text = getFilenameFile i	
   			btndragdrop.textalign =  (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").BottomCenter
   			--btndragdrop.BackgroundImage = (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Image").FromFile i	
   			--btndragdrop.Image = (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Image").FromFile i	
   			btndragdrop.Image = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" i
   			--btndragdrop.AllowDrop = true
   			-----btndragdrop.AutoSize = true -- autosize thumbnail to image
   			--.BorderStyle : <System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle>
   			--.Bounds : <System.Drawing.Rectangle>
   			dotNet.addEventHandler btndragdrop "click" Btn_Pressed
   			append dnobjarray btndragdrop
   			btndragdrop = nothing
   		--> Title of gallery type
   		colorlabel = dotnetobject "label"
   		colorlabel.borderstyle = singleborder
   		colorlabel.margin =  dotnetobject "" 2
   		colorlabel.backcolor = colorclass.cadetblue
   		colorlabel.font= dnfontlarge
   		colorlabel.text = "3D Models"			
   		colorlabel.size = dotnetobject "system.drawing.size" 516 24	
   		colorlabel.textalign =  (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").MiddleCenter		
   		--show colorlabel
   		--< Title of gallery type 
   		flp.controls.add colorlabel	
   		flp.controls.addrange dnobjarray					
   )-- end rollout
   createDialog mc2TestGalleryDilog  style:#(#style_titlebar, 
   	#style_sysmenu, #style_minimizebox, #style_maximizebox, #style_sunkenedge, #style_resizing)

thanks MacroBruneta for you tip
thanks to you LoneRobot, DotNetClass Color Chart is very cool. (much stuff to learn…)


I didn’t even think about flowlayoutpanel, that would be the way to go.

I actually started experimenting with it a few weeks ago and it seems extremely useful. Sure wish there was a .net for dummies guide somewhere online.


I’m slowly trying to write it. But there is so much to know.

Well… do you accept contributions?


Always…how ever, it doesn’t mean it will get done faster .

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