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[Closed] DotNet Button Optimisation

Hi All,

I am currently working on a UI for animators.
I am not a maxScript expert, and i try to use DotNet.
I create UI with few DotNetButton (something like 30), and for each one i Load an “image” and “BackgroundImage” (only wait i found to fake transparency).
But the loading is too long, to be used in production…
The loading of images is the parameters that take too much time. So i would like to load an image (for all the background UI, on a bitmap) where i render all the buttons…and the buttons will be transparent, and they wil load images only if user go on…
But I don’t find how to make a button fully transparent…If i try to make “.visible =false”, the button state off even if i “mousehover”…same for the “enabled” options. I try to put the “foreColor” and “backColor” to “Empty” or “Transparent”…but the button is gray and not transparent…so i cannot see through , and so see the backgroud image loader on an “bitmap”.

I imagine that it is a simple things to do, but there is too much options in the DotNetButton, i am lost. ^^


1 Reply

code would be something like this (but for 30 buttons):

global rlSelectionSubRollout2
rollout rlSelectionSubRollout2 “selection” width:540 height:350
local vImgBg = (openBitMap @”…imgBg.png”)
local vDotnetImage = (dotNetclass “System.Drawing.image”)

 function fSelectNode vType vModel vButtonName=
     --vModel ="kael001_001"
     --vButtonName = "dnBt_world"
     vFilterModel = filterString vModel "_"
     vModelName = vFilterModel[1]
     vModelIncr= vFilterModel[vFilterModel.count]
     vFilterButtonName = filterString vButtonName "_"
     if vFilterButtonName.count >2
         vDescriptionName = vFilterButtonName[2]
         for n=3 to vFilterButtonName.count do
             vDescriptionName = vDescriptionName+"_"+vFilterButtonName[n]
         vDescriptionName = vFilterButtonName[vFilterButtonName.count]
     vNodeToSelect = execute ("$"+vType+"_ROOT..."+vModelName+"_A_"+vDescriptionName+"_"+vModelIncr)
     if vNodeToSelect.count==1
         if keyboard.controlPressed==true
             selectMore vNodeToSelect
         else if keyboard.altPressed ==true
             deselect vNodeToSelect
             select vNodeToSelect
bitmap  itgBackImage "" bitmap:vImgBg align:#center visible:true
dotNetControl dnBt_world "System.Windows.Forms.Button" align:#center width:149 height:12  offset:[(0+0),(-32+0)]
dotNetControl dnBt_walk "System.Windows.Forms.Button" align:#center width:105 height:12  offset:[(0+0),(-28+0)]
dotNetControl dnBt_scaleAll "System.Windows.Forms.Button" align:#center width:23 height:19  offset:[(-100+0),(-12+0)]

on rlSelectionSubRollout2 open do
( = "dnBt_world"
    dnBt_world.BackColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").Transparent
    dnBt_world.ForeColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").Transparent
    dnBt_world.FlatStyle = Flat
    dnBt_world.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0 = "dnBt_walk"
    dnBt_walk.BackColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").Transparent
    dnBt_walk.ForeColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").Transparent
    dnBt_walk.FlatStyle = Flat
    dnBt_walk.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0 = "dnBt_scaleAll"
    dnBt_scaleAll.BackColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").Transparent
    dnBt_scaleAll.ForeColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").Transparent
    dnBt_scaleAll.FlatStyle = Flat
    dnBt_scaleAll.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 0

on dnBt_world MouseHover arg do
     try(dnBt_world.image = (vDotnetImage.fromfile (vImgBasePath+"btworldOver.png")))catch()
        try(dnBt_world.BackgroundImage = (vDotnetImage.fromfile (vImgBasePath+"imgBgColor.png")))catch()
on dnBt_world MouseLeave arg do
     try(dnBt_world.image = (vDotnetImage.fromfile (vImgBasePath+"btworld.png")))catch()
        try(dnBt_world.BackgroundImage = (vDotnetImage.fromfile (vImgBasePath+"imgBgColor.png")))catch()
on dnBt_world click arg do
    fSelectNode rlCubeAnimationTool.ddltChModelTypeList.selected rlCubeAnimationTool.ddltChModelList.selected dnBt_world.Name

on dnBt_walk MouseHover arg do
     try(dnBt_walk.image = (vDotnetImage.fromfile (vImgBasePath+"btwalkOver.png")))catch()
        try(dnBt_walk.BackgroundImage = (vDotnetImage.fromfile (vImgBasePath+"imgBgColor.png")))catch()
on dnBt_walk MouseLeave arg do
     try(dnBt_walk.image = (vDotnetImage.fromfile (vImgBasePath+"btwalk.png")))catch()
        try(dnBt_walk.BackgroundImage = (vDotnetImage.fromfile (vImgBasePath+"imgBgColor.png")))catch()
on dnBt_walk click arg do
    fSelectNode rlCubeAnimationTool.ddltChModelTypeList.selected rlCubeAnimationTool.ddltChModelList.selected dnBt_walk.Name

on dnBt_scaleAll MouseHover arg do
     try(dnBt_scaleAll.image = (vDotnetImage.fromfile (vImgBasePath+"btscaleAllOver.png")))catch()
        try(dnBt_scaleAll.BackgroundImage = (vDotnetImage.fromfile (vImgBasePath+"imgBgColor.png")))catch()
on dnBt_scaleAll MouseLeave arg do
     try(dnBt_scaleAll.image = (vDotnetImage.fromfile (vImgBasePath+"btscaleAll.png")))catch()
        try(dnBt_scaleAll.BackgroundImage = (vDotnetImage.fromfile (vImgBasePath+"imgBgColor.png")))catch()
on dnBt_scaleAll click arg do
    fSelectNode rlCubeAnimationTool.ddltChModelTypeList.selected rlCubeAnimationTool.ddltChModelList.selected dnBt_scaleAll.Name


createDialog rlSelectionSubRollout2