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[Closed] dotNet: textBox on return pressed event?


How would I go about using the enter button to call an event in the textBox object? This would be the same as the on editText entered do event. Any one?

14 Replies

I Pen,
That exactly what I’m looking for too. I think it have something to do with the controls.invoke methods but I don’t really know how it work…

fn Textbox_KeyPress s e=
	if e.KeyChar == "\r" then
		s.control.invoke (ref to the handler here)

Martin Dufour

Here’s an example, hope it helps



Thanks Martijn, I finaly found something on it in another post as well. That is a good example that you have there.

That a very good example, it may come handy when I’ll be working on my dotneteditor :applause:

but here’s what I really want :

try (Form1.close()) catch ()
Global Form1 = (Dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.Form")
Global PboxMap = (Dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox")
Global PButton = (Dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.Button")
--//-- let say I want to manualy fire this handler when I click the PButton
--//-- and also, I don't want to call the function itself.
fn PboxMap_Click s e = 
	s.backcolor = (s.backcolor.fromargb 255 (random 100 255) (random 100 255) (random 100 255))
fn PButton_Click s e =
	--((PboxMap.getType()).GetEvent "Click")
	--PboxMap_Click PboxMap ""
fn Form1_Closed s e =
	Form1 = undefined
	PboxMap = undefined
	PButton = undefined
	gc light:true
--//-- Initialisation
PboxMap.backcolor =
PboxMap.dock = PboxMap.dock.fill
PButton.backcolor = PButton.backcolor.fromargb 100 100 100 100
PButton.forecolor = PButton.forecolor.white
PButton.dock = PButton.dock.fill
PButton.text = "Fire PboxMap Click Handler"
PButton.font = (dotNetobject "System.Drawing.Font" 14)
Form1.Text = "Test Form"
Form1.ShowIcon = true
Form1.ShowInTaskbar = false
Form1.TopMost = true
Form1.StartPosition = Form1.StartPosition.CenterScreen
Form1.ClientSize = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 200 100
Form1.Controls.Add PboxMap
PboxMap.Controls.Add PButton
dotnet.addeventhandler Form1 "closed" Form1_Closed
dotnet.addeventhandler PButton "Click" PButton_Click
dotnet.addeventhandler PboxMap "Click" PboxMap_Click

Thank for your help,


Still no go. I’m writting a scripted modifier and the enter key isn’t firing the keyDown event at all. The first print statement isn’t being fired so enter/return isn’t being seen. Also I can’t get tab to work although I don’t need it. Any ideas any one?

		fn initTextBox tb=
		on characterNameDn keyDown arg do
			print #keyDown
			print arg.KeyCode
			if arg.KeyCode==arg.KeyCode.enter then
				print #yup
				addPrefixToCharacter senderArg.text replacePrefix:true
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I forgot to add to my initial reply that the AcceptsTab property needs to be set to true as well for this to work. Not sure why…


Hi Paul,
I used the keypress and test for “\r” because of this, maybe your could give it a try …

fn Textbox_KeyPress s e=
	if e.KeyChar == "\r" then

Martin Dufour

maybe this could help too…

fn textbox_MouseClick e s = (enableAccelerators = false)

Since they are both the same type of event (Click) and thus share the same event argument, you could simpy use PboxMap_Click s e to pass it on.

Another way could be to have each event call a function instead:

fn changeColor NetObj =
    NetObj.backcolor = (NetObj.BackColor.FromArgb 255 (random 100 255) (random 100 255) (random 100 255))

fn PboxMap_Click s e = changeColor s
fn PButton_Click s e = changeColor s


Since they are both the same type of event (Click) and thus share the same event argument, you could simpy use PboxMap_Click s e to pass it on.

That’s what I mean by …I don’t want to call the function itself…:wise:
Well, maybe it’s not possible in maxscript but from what I understand of the
controls.invoke method you can do something like this:

 Theevent = (gather the event from the object ???) as a "system.delegate" witch is a ref to the event.
 [b]PboxMap.invoke [/b]Theevent 

not that I need this, just wanted to know

Martin Dufour

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

b.GetEvent(“Click”).GetRaiseMethod()[/b] should return a MethodInfo object. This object in turn has an Invoke method (MethodBase.Invoke Method (Object, Object[])). However, a call to GetRaiseMethod() will always return undefined in mxs, simply because the method is not created (there’s more info on this on the MSDN website.

As far as delegates go, I don’t think they can be created from within maxscript.

I am curious though as to what you are trying to do? Do you have a specific reason why you wouldn’t want to call the event handler directly?


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