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[Closed] dotNET ContextMenuStrip Question


I’m trying to use a ContextMenuStrip to build a right click menu. The problem I’ve got is although the menu is displayed the events aren’t firing when I select a menu item. Would someone mind taking a look at the example below and telling why it doesn’t work please? I’ve highlighted the fn that creates theContextMenuStrip.

	try(testUI.testDGV.close()) catch()
	for b = 1 to 5 do bx = box()

	global testUI
	struct testUIStr

		fn rcMenuHandler s e =
			print "rcMenuHandler called!"
		fn populateDGV tab =
			local objs = for i = 1 to 5 collect objects[i]
			for o in objs do
				local row = #(getHandleByAnim o,, o.pos.x, o.pos.y, o.pos.z)
				tab.rows.add row
		fn defMaxForm =
			local mf = dotNetObject "MaxCustomCOntrols.MaxForm"
			mf.text = "rcMenu Test"
			mf.size = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Size" 500 500
		fn cellClick s e =
			if e.button == e.button.right do
				local cursor = dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.Cursor"
				local mPt = cursor.Position
				rMenu = ::testUI.cms #("Select Oject", "Something")
				rMenu.Show mPt.x (mPt.y+5)
		fn defDGV =
			local dg = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView"
			dg.Location = dotNetObject "Drawing.Point" 0 0
			dg.RowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 60 60 60
			dg.Visible = true
			dg.AllowUserToAddRows = false
			dg.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false
			dg.AllowUserToOrderColumns = true
			dg.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.Color").fromARGB 30 30 30
			dg.MultiSelect = off
			dg.Dock = dg.Dock.Fill
			dg.AutoSize = on
			dg.MaximumSize = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Size" 1920 600
			dg.SelectionMode = dg.SelectionMode.CellSelect
			dg.AutoSizeRowsMode = dg.AutoSizeRowsMode.AllCells
			dg.RowHeadersWidthSizeMode = dg.RowHeadersWidthSizeMode.EnableResizing
			dg.RowHeadersVisible = false
		fn textColumn cn =
			local col = dotNetObject "DataGridViewTextBoxColumn"
			col.headerText = cn
			col.readOnly = false
			col.minimumWidth = 175
			col.AutoSizeMode = (col.AutoSizeMode).fill
		fn fvColumn cn =
			local col = dotNetObject "DataGridViewTextBoxColumn"
			col.headerText = cn
			col.readOnly = false
			col.resizable = (dotNetClass "DataGridViewTriState").false
			col.width = 60
			col.ValueType = single
			col.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = col.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment.MiddleRight
		fn hidColumn cn =
			local col = dotNetObject "DataGridViewTextBoxColumn"
			col.headerText = cn
			col.readOnly = true
			col.Visible = false
			col.resizable = (dotNetClass "DataGridViewTriState").false
			col.width = 60
			col.ValueType = single
			col.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = col.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment.MiddleRight
		fn addColumns dgv =
			dgv.columns.add (hidColumn "Handle")
			dgv.columns.add (textColumn "Name")
			dgv.columns.add (fvColumn "X-Pos")
			dgv.columns.add (fvColumn "Y-Pos")
			dgv.columns.add (fvColumn "Z-Pos")
		fn cms itemsArr =
			local cmsMenu = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip"
			for i = 1 to itemsArr.count do
				dotnet.addEventHandler cmsMenu.Items.item[i-1] "Click" this.rcMenuHandler
		fn buildUI =
			testDGV = defMaxForm()
			testTab = defDGV()
			addColumns testTab
			populateDGV testTab
			dotNet.addEventHandler testTab "CellMouseClick" cellClick
			testDGV.controls.add testTab
		start = buildUI()
	::testUI = testUIStr()


3 Replies

I use CMS in this script mono-text-edit. Take a look.


This is only based on a quick glance but I guess it is because you are not keeping a reference to your menu items, therefore they are going out of scope and getting garbage collected. Either set their lifetime to #dotnet or keep a reference to them in your struct.

Thanks for the replies. I’ve just been trying your suggestions and everything is working as expected now.

I think the main problem was my poor planning. I was trying to define the contextMenuStrip and its events inside a function which was itself being called by a cellClick event.

I’ve also added members to the structure to store the menu and menu items to protect them from garbage collection.