[Closed] dot net rollover
I want to create a dot net window rollover, as in html, so that certain sections of a graphic are highlighted on mouse rollover, then clickable to trigger an action…any simple code for this to start me off? Thanx again guys.
a .NET solution can be the using of GraphicsPath and control’s region… here is a sample:
try(form.close()) catch()
form = dotnetobject "MaxCustomControls.Maxform"
form.Text = "Shape Control by denisT"
form.StartPosition = form.StartPosition.Manual
form.Bounds = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Rectangle" 800 200 300 200
bt0 = dotnetobject "Button"
bt0.name = "Green Star"
bt0.FlatStyle = bt0.FlatStyle.Flat
bt0.BackColor = bt0.BackColor.Green
bt0.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = bt0.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor.LightGreen
bt0.Bounds = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Rectangle" 0 0 100 100
bt1 = dotnetobject "Button"
bt1.name = "Red Star"
bt1.FlatStyle = bt1.FlatStyle.Flat
bt1.BackColor = bt1.BackColor.Red
bt1.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor = bt1.FlatAppearance.MouseOverBackColor.Pink
bt1.Bounds = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Rectangle" 50 50 100 100
pp0 =
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 68 57,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 92 36,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 60 33,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 47 3,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 35 33,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 3 36,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 27 57,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 20 88,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 47 72,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 75 88
pp1 =
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 45 61,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 68 61,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 48 50,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 60 30,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 40 42,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 29 22,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 29 45,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 6 44,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 26 56,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 14 75,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 34 64,
dotnetobject "System.Drawing.PointF" 45 84
pt0 = for k=1 to pp0.count collect (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathPointType").Line.value__
pt1 = for k=1 to pp1.count collect (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PathPointType").Line.value__
gp0 = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath" pp0 pt0
gp0.AddEllipse 34 38 25 25
bt0.region = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Region" gp0
gp1 = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath" pp1 pt1
bt1.region = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Region" gp1
form.Controls.AddRange #(bt0, bt1)
fn onClick s e = print s.name
dotnet.addeventhandler bt0 "Click" onClick
dotnet.addeventhandler bt1 "Click" onClick
see the documentation (methods and constructors) of System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath for more information.
Ok, See below. The first is the dot net window with background graphic. The next three are the rollover animation, perhaps a gif animation? When clicking on the associated region, an event is triggered, such as bone creation. Thanks for your time.
It will be a lot of work, either with maxscript or c#
Here’s a snippet of what I did for making a “click map”, using any html tool for generating the click maps, an image and mxs to make it work. Ymmv
It reads the clickmaps from the html file, then build an array with coords form it, and filters it on the imgtag when you click on it. At some point I had written a get/set pixels function to also allow mouse over effects, but can’t find the code anymore. This was written pre .net era, also look up LoneRobot’s site and get some .net inspiration.
Not sure I would use it again now, but it works.
Thanks. I will try it out. Still like to hear from dot net specialists tho…
Ok, so forget about the gif animation and rollovers if that’s too difficult…what if I just want a dot net solution to just clicking on ceratain areas to trigger different events?
Interesting. Thanks a lot denis. So I suppose you could have a button on top of a form with it’s own background graphic which you could make visible on mouse over, so it creates in effect rollover image.
Hmm . I tried to create an event handler function that changed the background image on the button on mouse over but it wouldn’t do it for some reason. I also tried to make it visible on mouse over but it wouldn’t do that either.