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[Closed] Dockable Dialog with several rollouts
Aug 17, 2010 2:50 pm
Noob Maxscript question: how can i create a dockable dialog that contains several rollouts and when open will automatically dock to e.g. left side?
I currently have this test code:
rollout my_rollout_1 "My Rollout 1" (
button my_btn_1 "My button 1" width:120 height:30
rollout my_rollout_2 "My Rollout 2" (
button my_btn_2 "my button 2" width:120 height:30
rf = newRolloutFloater "Test" 200 240
addRollout my_rollout_1 rf
addRollout my_rollout_2 rf
createDialog rf width:200 height: 240
cui.RegisterDialogBar rf style:#(#cui_handles,#cui_floatable,#cui_dock_left)
cui.DockDialogBar rf #cui_dock_left
This works pretty well, i guess :), but the newRolloutFloater will display the floater in the center of the screen first and then it is docked on the left side.
Is there a way to create floater without displaying it? Or is there a way to add rollouts to dialog?
1 Reply
Aug 17, 2010 2:50 pm
Have a look in the help for subRollouts. That will get you what you are after.