[Closed] Directory Structures
Hey all,
Do you guys have a sample directory structure that you use when writing new scripts? Also, any hints on how you guys handle file naming convention and versions would be a help as well.
i organise my scripts into folders with logical category names like File Management, Materials, Render Prep etc. I have a script which creates a rollout for each folder and a button for each script file in each folder. left click to execute, right click to edit
file naming convention for me is non existant. just as long as it’s clear what the script does
i don’t version very often… if i do i just create a folder called ‘old’ and manually copy the old version there and rename it to _01 _02 etc
same as above really, but name the sub folder “working” (as it follows convention i use for all max stuff). Most my pipelining tools don’t seem to have versions as such they just evolve, probably be different if I was providing stuff for public consumption.
Usually I work on ‘pipelines’. So my scripts are a set of tools with shared libraries, icons, plugins, etc. Full set of tools has to be easy setup, and easy removed.
I have root directory and sub-directories inside which replicate the max folders structure. It looks like:
In the root directory I have my own startup launcher (runs macros, loads icons, loads asseblies and plugins).
Because tool set vary from project to project I add sometimes specific prefix to some scripts. Most of my tools, plugins, and custom attributes have a version.
To setup my tools the user only needs to configure the System Paths on his machine. He has to do it manualy because I want to be sure that he knows how he was connected to my tools, and how to disconnect it.