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[Closed] Difference between Ctrl+E & DragDrop Button
Apr 24, 2013 3:31 pm
Hi everybody !
Sorry for this basic question, but I have difference between the 3dsmax reaction between Ctrl+E/Shift-Enter and DragDrop Button. :banghead:
Simple Sample here :
Works well with the Ctrl+E (LOD1 = 50% poly count of the source), and with a dragDrop button, LOD1 = 100% poly count of the source.
-- Clone
obj = $selection[1]
maxOps.cloneNodes obj cloneType:#copy newNodes:&result
objLod1 = result[1] = + "_LOD1"
deleteModifier objLod1 1
-- Optimize 50
addModifier objLod1 (ProOptimizer ())
objLod1.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].KeepUV = on
objLod1.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].VertexPercent = 50
select objLod1
$.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].Calculate = on
-- Skin Wrapp
addModifier objLod1 (Skin_Wrap());
addMesh = #();
addMesh[1] = obj
objLod1.modifiers[#Skin_Wrap].meshList = addMesh
select objLod1
$.modifiers[#Skin_Wrap].meshDeformOps.convertToSkin off
--maxOps.CollapseNodeTo $ 2 off
Maybe need a local/global variable, or something like that ?
2 Replies
Apr 24, 2013 3:31 pm
The problem is,propably, because when you use drag-n-drop you are not in modify pannel. Put this on top of the code above and the script will work:
max modify mode
Why you use this?
obj = $selection[1]
instead of this
obj = selection[1]