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[Closed] detecting hardware

Is there any way to detect what kind of hardware is installed on given computer by maxscript e.g motherboard model, network card model etc ?

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I not know is this posible by using mxs but with C# (ManagementObjectSearcher) is posible for sure. See this link.


you can search for DotNetObject “System.Management.ManagementClass” and find more details…

Fn GetHardwareProp HwClass HwProp = (
    local HwInfo,HwInfoEnumerator,OutArray
    OutArray = #()
    try ( HwInfo = (DotNetObject "System.Management.ManagementClass" HwClass).GetInstances() ) Catch (
        DotNet.LoadAssembly "System.Management.dll"
        HwInfo = (DotNetObject "System.Management.ManagementClass" HwClass).GetInstances()
    HwInfoEnumerator = HwInfo.GetEnumerator()
    while (HwInfoEnumerator.MoveNext()) do (
		for prop in HwProp do (
			local TempString = try( HwInfoEnumerator.Current.Item[prop] as string ) catch()
			if TempString != "" do (
				append OutArray prop
				append OutArray TempString
cpuInfo = GetHardwareProp "Win32_Processor" #("ProcessorID", "Name", "Revision", "SystemName")
gpuInfo = GetHardwareProp "Win32_VideoController" #("AdapterRAM", "PNPDeviceID", "Name")
mbInfo = GetHardwareProp "Win32_BaseBoard" #("Manufacturer", "Product")

procID = cpuInfo[(findItem cpuInfo "ProcessorID")+1] ; procName = cpuInfo[(findItem cpuInfo "Name")+1]
procRevision = cpuInfo[(findItem cpuInfo "Revision")+1] ; sysName = cpuInfo[(findItem cpuInfo "SystemName")+1]
gpuRAM = gpuInfo[(findItem gpuInfo "AdapterRAM")+1] ; gpuID = gpuInfo[(findItem gpuInfo "PNPDeviceID")+1]
gpuName = gpuInfo[(findItem gpuInfo "Name")+1] ; mbManu = mbInfo[(findItem mbInfo "Manufacturer")+1]
mbName = mbInfo[(findItem mbInfo "Product")+1]

thank you very much, that’s exactly what I was looking for.