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try to download ephere’s wrapper. I’m on mobile, but I think that they have a 2010 version available for download.



It works,

thanks Nick!

Great! You’re welcome!


This instantly has me browsing the SDK help file
Awesome stuff! Do you know if the SDK exposes “Make Refernce” like with instances in the modifier stack?


I’m not quite sure what you want. Do you want to make to nodes (e.g. spheres) as reference?

I’m new to this stuff too, so the best way to find function names etc (until know) is by searching in C++ documentation and then, using VisualStudio’s Object browser, I’m searching for this function in the Autodesk.Max.dll.



In the end I would like to be able to instance parts of the modifier stack to other objects. Or just the baseObject, of maybe the baseObject and the next 2 modifiers.

So a “better” alternative to : $[1].baseObject = $[2].baseObject.

Maybe it’s better explained with Ephere Zookeeper, it allows you to pull out the stack from a node and connect whatever to whatever in the stack, either instance or reference. There’s just no maxscript equivalent for that, especially with the referencing to and from anywhere in the stack.

I’m not looking for complete solutions offcourse just some pointers maybe…


Could’nt that be done already by using this code sequence ?

addmodifier $targetObject $sourceObject.modifiers[1]

this generates an instance of the “sourceObject”’s first modifier on “targetObject”’s stack

EDIT: the referencing part seems to be an issue though
but referenceReplace() looks like a good start


Sure, if I only needed to do that, it would not be a problem. Often times I want to reference a part of the stack to another object, then on top of that make that object a reference too.

So it’s about managing intricate stack operations. In maxscript we cannot force a part of the stack reference like you can when you press “Make Reference” in the modifier stack when you have a instance stack.

Check out the bottom part of this :Ephere page
And especially the dragged out modifier stacks, I’ve always wanted to manipulate and mix and match modifier stacks with scripts…


I suppose that if you want something generic the referenceReplace function will do the trick. Otherwise, I’m afraid that you’ll have to write your custom function where you will copy part of the stack etc.



I think I need to be looking into this page

reference_replace is close to what I want but not quite, I want to be as flexible as zookeeper, but then in code.


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