Clear all

[Closed] destroy dialogs


I’ve got some dialogs I would like to be destroyed when an open scene or reset is performed. As a test I tried:

fn clearSynoptics = (
try(destroyDialog myDialog )catch() 
print "function called"
callbacks.addScript #filePostOpen "clearSynoptics()" id:#myFileOpenCallbackTest

and saved it as a startup script but it dosen’t work, when I open scene files the dialog remains. Strange thing is if I just evaluate this line:

try(destroyDialog myDialog )catch() 

in the listener the dialog does get destroyed OK? How do I get this to work in a callback startup script?

Thanks for reading

2 Replies

You are defining clearSynoptics on startup. At this stage, I assume that myDialog does not yet exist and is not defined. Therefore it is evaluated as a function local variable of clearSynoptics. When later the function is called, it is not aware that myDialog is now also a global rollout variable. It keeps treating is a local variable (with a value of undefined). Use the scoping operator ( :: ) to explicitly refer to the global myDialog variable:

fn clearSynoptics = (
try(destroyDialog ::myDialog )catch() 
print "function called"
callbacks.addScript #filePostOpen "clearSynoptics()" id:#myFileOpenCallbackTest

Also, why not define this callback only after the rollout is defined and created?

Many thanks that worked, and thanks for the explanation. Originaly I did try defining the callback within an on rollout open block of code. But it didn’t work I’ll assume it was because I had made an error though!

Thanks again
