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[Closed] delete duplicted splines – need some help to finish it

this script is a piece of bigger script i’m working on… some other code line cause massive numbers of duplicated splines and i’m trying to fix it with these lines.

here is the thing , what it suppose to do is deleting all splines share same position exept one , what it do it delete all the splines , and 3 or 4 loops inside each other is too complicated for this !

script here

---- delete duplicated
		local	delete_shapes =#()
	for i in shapes where classof i == SplineShape do 
CenterPivot i
	arr = ( for i in shapes where classof i == SplineShape collect i )
	num = (for m = 1 to arr.count collect m)
	for i in arr do
	for n = 1 to arr.count do (
	local to_del = ( for z in arr where (i.pos ) == (arr[n].pos) collect z )

			append  delete_shapes to_del

			--print to_del
	--print delete_shapes
for i in delete_shapes do ( delete i )

any other idea to delete identical splines is welcomed too

2 Replies

here you go…

fn deleteDuplicateSplines thresh:0.01 =
	local splines = for s in shapes where classof s == SplineShape collect s
	local toDelete = #()
	for s in splines where isValidNode s do
		for x = splines.count to 1 by -1 do 
			local spl = splines[x]
			if spl != s and distance s spl < thresh do
				append toDelete spl
				deleteItem splines x
	delete (makeUniqueArray toDelete)


thats much better than what i wrote
it works gr8
