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[Closed] delete a key set for a modifer value

I want to delete a key that is set on a push modifier and leave any other keys set at that frame alone.

For example to delete a key from “myobject”s push modifier at frame 10, I have tried:

deletekey $my_object.Push.push_value 10

This dosent work. Maybe deletekey isn’t what I need?
Anyone? Thanks!

5 Replies

hi josiah,

You just need to find max’s way to access the modifier’s controller.
The below script should do it.

– get key index at frame 10
keyIndex = getKeyIndex $plane01.push.pushValue.controller 10

– delete key at frame 10
deleteKey $plane01.push.pushValue.controller keyIndex

Thanks a million Brett, it works fine. I appreciate your time and expertise in helping me out!

One other question (if you find time), what if I want to delete only the key assingned to a morpher modifiers channel only?

keyIndex = getKeyIndex $plane01.morpher.controller 10
deleteKey $plane01.morpher.controller

dosent work because morpher uses ;

$plane01.morpher <channel> <value>

Do I set up a variable to hold the channel value somehow? Maybe it’s not possible to delete just one channel of this modifier on a given key?

Thanks very much.


I’m glad everything worked out. Once you get the hang of managing key arrays, you can pretty much do anything with the data.

To access a morph channel, just put the number within a bracket:

variable = getKetIndex object.morpher[morph channel].controller frameNumber
[size=2]keyIndex = getKeyIndex $sphere.morpher[10].controller 20



I spent some time trying to figure this out.
Thanks Brett, I appreciate it immensely!

Your welcome! When I encountered that issue a few months ago, I remember it took me hours to stumble upon that syntax. I’ve learned that it always helps to look at the listener window.
