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[Closed] DarkScintilla: Maxscript Editor dark scheme

Whoa – thanks for reporting this James
already started to wonder what the hell is going on with autointending – so i switched it off here . Fixed it inprompto and new version is online (same link)

Nice work.
But only the Font is not changed .I use Max 2010 64Bit.

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Joined: 11 months ago

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You have to download and install it. The font used is available for free at Microsoft.

This and further details are in the readme…

I install this font already… But the Font isn’t changed… I don’t know where is the problem.

Me, myself and my eyes thank you spacefrog.

Looking forward to showing this off monday morning.

Cheers, thanks for sharing

Thanks for the feedback …

just updated the package to 1.2c (same link)
Klaas Nienhuis ( @scriptspot) found an error dealing with verbatim string ( caused by another typo ). This is now fixed. Additionally i changed the caret color to some darker gry, to make it more visible on white backgrounds ( this is a global setting )

still the first thing I install when I get to work on a new computer (I have to change a lot).
Would it be possible to implement something to have floating maxscript editor windows?
So that it would be possible to be viewing 2 maxscript windows at the same time.

Thnx again for this amaizing script!

thanks for the nice feedback – very appreciated

The split-view or even only mutliple window options is not possible with the Maxscript editor. As it’s based on SciTE/Scintilla it inherits all of SciTE’s limitations, and this is one …
I would like to have that feature too, but as i said – this is not possible

This is a post from Neil answering some request on some SciTE forum ( Neil being the original Scintilla/SciTE author)

> I use it for everything, but am having to jump around a lot and a
> split screen would be a very big help. I have checked the site, but did
> not see anything other than the output pane.
> Is it possible as it now stands and I am missing it or could it be
> done?

This is not supported. It could be done. I’m not sure if it would
be a beneficial feature as it adds complexity and it is very easy to
start a second copy of SciTE.


Thank you. This should be the default style for 2012, not that max scripters eyesight is a big concern to them.

Another correction…


should be…


And just for fun, here are the extra settings I add…



Editor Behavior

home key goes to far left beginning of line


open up to 20 files at once


show file tabs on multiple lines


highlighted a file name in a script and open that file using Ctrl-Shift-O

I use this with files I’m adding to a script using include or fileIn<my script functions folder>

Ctrl-O defaults to the directory of the currently active file

2 Replies
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Thanks for reporting, this typo is fixed already in the latest version ( V1.2c )

the autocomplete looks interesting, but how does one trigger the autocomplete ?
i quickly tested the entry here, but do not have a clue how it operates

Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

How to hint the Custorm struct members. It will be userful.

To use autocomplete with the maxScript .api file, first you need the file. Below is a script that will generate it for you. Then, as you start typing you’ll see maxScript commands that match.

To autocomplete words that are already in the current script you’re working on, start typing a few characters and then press Ctrl-Enter.

In both cases you get a drop down box you can use the arrow keys to scroll through, and then hit Enter to select the one you want. If there is only one choice, hitting Enter will select it automatically.

fn createMaxscriptApiFile =
	local filteredSS, ss, filePath, fStream
	filteredSS = stringstream ""
	ss = stringstream ""
	apropos "" to:ss
	seek ss 0
	while not eof ss do
		l = readLine ss
		if matchPattern l pattern:"*#struct:*" then
			n = (filterString l " ")[1]
			l = readLine ss
			while matchPattern l pattern:"*public,*" do
				format "%.%
" n (trimLeft (filterString l ":")[1] " ") to:filteredSS
				l = readLine ss
		else if matchPattern l pattern:"*(const *" then
			format "%
" (filterString l " ")[1] to:filteredSS
	filePath = getDir #maxroot + @"\maxscript.api"
	if not doesFileExist (getFilenamePath filePath) then filePath = getDir #temp + @"\maxscript.api"
	if not doesFileExist filePath then 
		createFile filePath
	if getFileAttribute filePath #readOnly then
		setFileAttribute filePath #readOnly false
	fStream = openFile filePath mode:"w+"
	format "%" (filteredSS as string) to:fStream
	close fStream
	free ss
	 edit filePath
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