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[Closed] Cycle through all keys. Then dupicate the keys on another object

Hey all… first of all, im very new to maxscript, … so please excuse my noob’ness with the question.

can someone help me on a method of progressively going through all the keys in a object, and then replicating them on another identical object (i know, the object in question can be duplicated, but i just want to know how its done.)

for instance, lets assume there is a bouncing ball (with transform keys as well as a few modifiers to get the squeeze and what not). say i want to dupe the exact same keys on another non animated but identical object.

any help is a god send…



1 Reply

Would just copying the transform controller work ok for you?
you can just do:

$Sphere02.transform = copy $Sphere02.transform

for the modifers it depends if they alread exist on the new object. You could just copy the modifiers or just copy the animation controller from the modifier to the other modifier.

$Sphere02.modifiers[#bend].angle.controller = copy $Sphere01.modifiers[#bend].angle.controller