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[Closed] Custom Syntax Highlighting inside MAXScript Editor

Hey guys!

I’m looking for a way to add custom keywords to the syntax highlighting of the MAXScript editor.
There are a few recurring global variables in our current project and highlighting them could greatly improve readibillity.

Is this actually possible?


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Hi Sascha,

You can define custom keywords like this:

*Open the MAXScript Editor
*In the Tools menu of the Editor, select “Open”
*Locate the section

keywords12 is for user defined words to be colorized. Keywords are checked for in this list first


and change it to

keywords12 is for user defined words to be colorized. Keywords are checked for in this list first

Sascha Crytek Rocks

You can keep on adding keywords to the list separated by spaces.
Each new line should be terminated by a \ for the next line to be part of the same definition.

Then press Ctrl+S, open a new script and type in

Sascha from Crytek Rocks

You can then modify the coloring of custom keywords if you don’t want them to be red and italic.

Scroll down in the file and locate the lines

Keywords12 – User defined


You can change these to give your own keywords the desired color and style.
For example,


results in

Sascha from Crytek Rocks


To make it even more simple, copy and paste the code Bobo said to the MXS_Userproperties file, this acts as an override for the other property files. It leaves them intact, you can easily distribute just the Userproperties file and everybody is synced.

And if you want a new syntax coloring maybe check out:
