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[Closed] Custom attributes .net events


whenever I try to add event handlers to wpf controls that are defined in a custom attribute the events are not catched.

For example this works:

	rollout rol "rol"
		dotNetControl eh "Integration.ElementHost" width:50 height:20 
		fn a = print "Clicked!"
		on rol open do
			but = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Controls.Button" 
			but.content = "Press me"
			eh.child = but
			dotnet.addeventhandler but "Click" a
	createDialog rol

but if I put it inside a custom attribute def nothing happens:

	custAttributes.add (box()) (a = attributes test
			rollout rol "rol"
				dotNetControl eh "Integration.ElementHost" width:50 height:20 
				fn a = print "Clicked!"
				on rol open do
					but = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Controls.Button" 
					but.content = "Press me"
					eh.child = but
					dotnet.addeventhandler but "Click" a

What am I missing?

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	custAttributes.add (box()) (a = attributes test
			rollout rol "rol"
				--dotNetControl eh "Integration.ElementHost" width:50 height:20 
				dotnetControl sysButt "button"
				fn a = print "Clicked!"
				on rol open do
					--but = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Controls.Button" 
					--but.content = "Press me"
					--eh.child = but
					--dotnet.addeventhandler sysButt "Click" a
				on sysButt mouseUp senderArg arg do
					if arg.button==arg.button.left then
						print "aaaa"

	custAttributes.add (box()) (a = attributes test
			rollout rol "rol"
				--dotNetControl eh "Integration.ElementHost" width:50 height:20 
				dotnetControl sysButt "button"
				fn a = print "Clicked!"
				on rol open do
					--but = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Controls.Button" 
					--but.content = "Press me"
					--eh.child = but
					--dotnet.addeventhandler sysButt "Click" a
				on sysButt mouseUp senderArg arg do
					if arg.button==arg.button.left then
						print "aaaa"

Thanks, but it’s not what im after. My gui is a wpf control, hence the elementhost control.

Thanks. I ended up running the intended maxscript event code from my wpf control instead.