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[Closed] Curve Control [Scale Point] problem
Dec 02, 2018 2:15 am
In this gif image you can see the problem:
In short when the Scale Point is used to scale points with negative Y coordinates those points are moved to the highest negative Y value(set with y_range:[-100,100]). If the scaled points have positive Y coordinates there are no problems.
This is the code:
rollout ro_TestCurveControl "Curve Control"
CurveControl cc_test "Curve Control:" height:200 width:400 align:#center numCurves:1 visible:true x_range:[0,100] y_range:[-100,100]
on ro_TestCurveControl open do
zoom cc_test #all
crv = cc_test.curves[1]
cc_test.curves[1].numPoints = 6
crv.points[1].value = [0,0]
crv.points[2].value = [20,-0.2]
crv.points[3].value = [30,-0.2]
crv.points[4].value = [60,0.2]
crv.points[5].value = [70,0.2]
crv.points[6].value = [100,0]
createDialog ro_TestCurveControl width:500 height:250
2 Replies
Dec 02, 2018 2:15 am
it looks like a bug for me. and unfortunately i don’t see any workaround yet
Dec 02, 2018 2:15 am
It happens on all 3ds max versions – 3ds max 2019 too.
And this happens when points below and above the 0 line is selected and scaled: