[Closed] Creating materials
I am having some trouble creating new materials. I have noticed that when I do this
mymat = meditMaterials[1]
show mymat
I get a list of all the properties, and I can change them at will. But when I do this
mymat = standardMaterial
show mymat
I get
No Info Found on: Standardmaterial
likewise, I cannot access or change any of these properties, or assign my new material to a material editor slot. Why is this?
Thanks. So without the () the constructor is not being called? What type of value is being stored, in that case?
Okay, another question. I have written this:
mymat = StandardMaterial()
basefilename = "C:\blah exture.png"
mymap = Bitmaptexture filename:(basefilename) monoOutput = 1
mymat.diffuse = mymap
mymat.opacity = mymap
meditMaterials[2] = mymat
So, I would expect the Materials editor to update to show my new material with the same map in the diffuse and opacity slots. However, when I look at slot 2, it is a default grey material called “Standardmaterial” with no maps in any slots. Why is this?
Edit – I added the map to the material as part of the constructor, like so:
mymat = StandardMaterial name:"Foo" diffuseMap:mymap opacityMap:mymap
and the maps are being assigned.
About your first question, check “When do I use () after a function?” in the maxscript reference.
As for the maps issue, the problem was that you were calling the wrong property (as you laterd discovered). In fact you can do:
mymat = StandardMaterial()
basefilename = "C:\blah exture.png"
mymap = Bitmaptexture filename:(basefilename) monoOutput = 1
mymat.diffuseMap = mymap
mymat.opacityMap = mymap
meditMaterials[2] = mymat
I would look up the items you are trying to create in the maxscript help as it will give you more info than show.
StandardMaterial : Material[left]<Standard>.diffuse Color default: (color 149.94 149.94 149.94) – animatable, alias: Diffuse_Color
[left]Controls the diffuse color. The diffuse color is the color in direct light.
StandardMaterial : Material[left]<Standard>.diffuseMap TextureMap default: undefined – alias for maps[1]
[left]Get/Set the diffuse map.
You also need to make sure your match your inputs with what the parameter is expecting. .diffuse (Diffuse_Color) : RGB color requires a color value and won’t except a bitmap.