[Closed] creating a global track curve
i’m trying to create a script , and I want to implement a feature where user can input a number that determine the times of a curve to be added to the global tracks in the curve editor.
I’m facing a problem though, because every time I execute the code inside the rollout, max script throws an error, and i can’t create it before the rollout since i need the user input.
here’s what i have so far
global Curve
--rootScene[#Global_Tracks].Float.controller = float_script ()
--rootScene[#Global_Tracks].Float.controller = float_list ()
rootScene[#Global_Tracks].Float.controller.Available.controller = bezier_float ()
Curve = rootScene[#Global_Tracks].Float.controller[2]
rollout testrollout "test" (
spinner val "value"
addNewKey Curve 0
addNewKey Curve val.value
addNewKey Curve -val.value
curve.keys[1].value = 100
curve.keys[2].value = 0
curve.keys[3].value = 100
createDialog testrollout
one more thing, the commented lines are for resetting the graph, it’s my solution to that every time this script is executed, it adds a new track to the available tracks, I’d like to reset the list to only one curve, I wonder if someone could help with that as well.
thank you
Try something along these lines:
try destroydialog ::RO_TEST catch()
rollout RO_TEST "" width:140 height:172
button bt_addBezier "Add Bezier" pos:[8,8] width:124 height:32
button bt_resetBezier "Reset Bezier" pos:[8,40] width:124 height:32
spinner spn1 "Time:" pos:[36,84] width:96 height:16 type:#integer scale:1 range:[0,100000,0]
spinner spn2 "Value:" pos:[36,108] width:96 height:16 scale:0.01 range:[-1E9,1E9,0]
button bt_addKey "Add Key" pos:[8,132] width:124 height:32
local controller
fn HasBezierController ctrl =
for j = 1 to ctrl.numsubs where iskindof ctrl[j] Bezier_Float do return true
return false
fn AddBezierController =
floatTrack = globalTracks.Float
if HasBezierController floatTrack then
controller = floatTrack.Bezier_Float.Controller
controller = floatTrack.Available.Controller = Bezier_Float()
fn ResetBezierController =
if HasBezierController globalTracks.Float then
deleteKeys controller #allKeys
messagebox "No Bezier Controller found."
on RO_TEST open do AddBezierController()
on bt_addBezier pressed do AddBezierController()
on bt_resetBezier pressed do ResetBezierController()
on bt_addKey pressed do
key = addNewKey controller spn1.value
key.value = spn2.value
createdialog RO_TEST
it would be better to name your ‘global track controller’, and work with it by name (find, change, rename, delete, etc.)
thank you very much, that code worked perfectly.well, your version of the code worked perfectly, however when I applied it failed.
there are some values that are going to be hardcoded so i don’t want to bother the user with inputing them, like he value of the keys, i just want him to input the time, I also want the curve to be added or reset automatically when the rollout is called, so I made the following modifications
try destroyDialog ::test catch()
rollout test "pick" width:200
--create the global curve
spinner spnlimit "limit value"
button btnlimit "Set Limits"
local controller
--function to test if global track has bezier curve
fn HasBezierController ctrl =
for i = 1 to ctrl.numsubs where iskindof ctrl[i] Bezier_float do return true
return false
--function to add bezier curve
fn AddBezierController =
floatTrack = globaltracks.float
if HasBezierController floatTrack then
controller = floatTrack.Controller
controller = floatTrack.Available.Controller = Bezier_float()
fn ResetBezierController =
if HasBezierController globalTracks.Float then
deleteKeys controller #allkeys
messagebox "No curves found"
on facialRig open do ResetBezierController()
on facialRig open do AddBezierController()
on btnlimit pressed do (
key = addNewKey controller -(spnlimit.value)
key.value = 100
key2 = addNewKey controller
key3= addNewKey controller spnlimit.value
key.value = 100
createDialog test
but it throws an error that controller is undefined.
I also have another question about the two :: in the first line of code, what are their purpose as I ran the code fine without them? thank you.
@denisT isn’t that what I did, by assigning it to the Curve variable
Curve = rootScene[#Global_Tracks].Float.controller[2]
I’m using the macroRecorder to get the name of things so my code won’t probably be all that clean.
why do you think that second controller in globaltracks.float is yours? maybe it’s one of set (added, created) by anyone else?
i suggest to name your controller with some not common name and search and access it by name.
but if you want to be safe it’s better to add your own trackview node and your own controller (for example):
own_tracks = newTrackViewNode "FullMoonStudios"
own_ctrl = bezier_float()
addTrackViewController own_tracks own_ctrl "Weight"
print trackViewNodes.FullMoonStudios.Weight
The errors are caused by the several lines of code you have modified.
Double colon are used to tell MXS to look for that variable in the global scope.
Try this:
try destroydialog ::RO_TEST catch()
rollout RO_TEST "" width:140 height:152
button bt_addBezier "Add Bezier" pos:[8,8] width:124 height:32
button bt_resetBezier "Reset Bezier" pos:[8,40] width:124 height:32
spinner spn1 "Time:" pos:[36,84] width:96 height:16 type:#integer scale:1 range:[0,100000,0]
button bt_addKeys "Add Keys" pos:[8,112] width:124 height:32
local controller
fn HasBezierController ctrl =
for j = 1 to ctrl.numsubs where iskindof ctrl[j] Bezier_Float do return true
return false
fn AddBezierController =
floatTrack = globalTracks.Float
if HasBezierController floatTrack then
controller = floatTrack.Bezier_Float.Controller
controller = floatTrack.Available.Controller = Bezier_Float()
fn ResetBezierController =
if HasBezierController globalTracks.Float then
deleteKeys controller #allKeys
messagebox "No Bezier Controller found."
on RO_TEST open do
on bt_addBezier pressed do AddBezierController()
on bt_resetBezier pressed do ResetBezierController()
on bt_addKeys pressed do
-- Add 3 keys to the Bezier controller
key1 = addNewKey controller -spn1.value
key2 = addNewKey controller 0
key3 = addNewKey controller spn1.value
-- Set the keys values
key1.value = 100
key2.value = 0
key3.value = 100
createdialog RO_TEST
thank you both very much for your help.
@PolyTools3D of course my modifications are the ones responsible for screwing things up :), thanks for your modifications though, they helped me achieve what i wanted.
@denisT. I see what you mean, i didn’t know I can do that actually, that could be very helpful.