[Closed] create slider – undeclared variable?
Hey, I’m working on a script to help with a rigging task. I’m having trouble with part of it.
I’m trying to create a slider under an EmptyModifier (attribute holder) where the slider’s range is set by a variable ‘i’ defined earlier in the script. Here’s what I’ve got:
i = 3 --this would normally come from an earlier part of the script
MoveHelper = point()
em = EmptyModifier()
addModifier MoveHelper em
--Add controls to the attribute holder
ca=attributes SwitchControls
parameters param rollout:switchRl
slswitch type:#integer ui:switchSl
rollout switchRl "Switch - Free:Attached"
slider switchSl "Free - Attached" range:[0,i,0] fieldWidth:160 ticks:i
custAttributes.add MoveHelper.modifiers[1] ca
At first this seems to work fine. The attribute holder and slider are created correctly and it has the right range values. The problem comes when I save the scene with my new slider, close max, and reopen the scene. The ‘i’ variable is no longer defined and the file opens with an error:
–compile error: Undeclared variable: i
– In line: spinner switchSp “” range:[0,i,
My question is: why is max needing the i variable again? shouldn’t the slider already be created and stored in the attribute holder? Is there another way to create a slider that wouldn’t have this problem?
I’m still pretty new to maxScript. Any help would be awesome!
- Sean