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[Closed] create objects with default properties


How we can create an object with default settings, not current settings in the scene. for example when I want to create a point helper in cross form, I have to override all other settings like box and axistripod.

10 Replies

Looking at the source code for the point helper object, I can see the ADesk developer who wrote it did not add the P_RESET_DEFAULT flag to its parameter block entries, which means all settings will be sticky upon creation.

In the SDK you could just iterate through the pblock of your newly created point and set each entry to its default value, but I don’t think there’s a way to access those default pblock values with maxscript. Maybe there’s a clever way using C#? I’m not sure.

Doesn’t seem to work. Or maybe these defaults are overwritten until the next max session

delete helpers
pt = point()

g = (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance

pb2 = (g.COREInterface.GetINodeByHandle pt.inode.handle).objectref.GetParamBlock 0

for id=0 to pb2.numparams - 1 do (
    pdef = pb2.getparamdef id    
    pb2.setValue g.COREInterface.Time pdef.def.f 0
    --pb2.Reset -1 true true

pb2.ResetAll true true

fn createDeafultPointHelper = (
    local pt = Point()
    local g = (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance
    local pb2 = (g.COREInterface.GetINodeByHandle pt.inode.handle).objectref.GetParamBlock 0
    local props = getpropnames pt    
    local types = (pb2.getparamdef 0).Type
    for i=0 to pb2.NumParams-1 do (
        local pdef = pb2.getparamdef i
        case pdef.Type of (
            (types.Bool2): setProperty pt props[i+1] (pdef.def.i > 0)
            default:       setProperty pt props[i+1] pdef.def.f

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Nice! it’s work, is it possible to use it for other objects like lights and cameras? I’m thinking to change the code to construct the object at creation time, not modifying after create.

fn createDeafultPointHelper = (

    local g = (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance
    local sclass_id = (dotnetclass "Autodesk.Max.Sclass_id").Helper -- point.superClassID
    local class_id  = g.class_id.create 8211 0 asdotnetobject:true  -- point.classID

    local pt = g.COREInterface.CreateInstance sclass_id class_id

    local pb2   = pt.GetParamBlock 0
    local types = (pb2.getparamdef 0).Type

    for i=0 to pb2.NumParams-1 do (

        local pdef = pb2.getparamdef i

        case pdef.Type of (

            (types.Bool2): pb2.SetValue g.COREInterface.Time (dotNetObject "system.int32" pdef.def.i) 0

            default:       pb2.SetValue g.COREInterface.Time pdef.def.f 0


    _node = g.coreinterface.createobjectnode pt

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

How we can modify this code to create other objects like bones,lights,cameras,…?


Cool!, this encourage me to know more about SDK. what about MaxPlus? do you think we can use it?

I never thought of using python in max as long as .Net is available. Can’t see any real benefits.

I’d try to create an instance with specified sclass_id & class_id and then iterate on all available paramBlocks.
Maybe someone experienced in c++ SDK can help us with classes that has zero paramBlocks to set? How can we create class instance with default parameters in that case?

fn createDeafultNode class = (

    local g = (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance
    local sclass_id = (dotnetclass "Autodesk.Max.Sclass_id").toObject (dotnetclass "Autodesk.Max.Sclass_id") class.superClassID
    local class_id  = g.class_id.create class.classID[1] class.classID[2] asdotnetobject:true

    global obj = g.COREInterface.CreateInstance sclass_id class_id

    if obj.NumParamBlocks > 0 then (
        for i = 0 to obj.NumParamBlocks-1 do 
            local pb2   = obj.GetParamBlock i
            local types = (pb2.getparamdef 0).Type

            for i=0 to pb2.NumParams-1 do 
                local pdef = pb2.getparamdef i

                case pdef.Type of 
                    (types.Bool2): pb2.SetValue g.COREInterface.Time (dotNetObject "system.int32" pdef.def.i) 0

                    default:       pb2.SetValue g.COREInterface.Time pdef.def.f 0

    ) else format "% has 0 paramBlocks :(
" class
    _node = g.coreinterface.createobjectnode obj

delete objects
pos = [0,0,0]
for class in GeometryClass.classes where class.Creatable do (
    h = createDeafultNode class
    h.pos = pos
    pos += [10,0,0]
    ) catch ( format "Failed to create: %
" class )
