[Closed] Create .bat file
What do you mean. I tested this and works. If you mean about password that argument is optional. I also plan to add “spliting” option And that will be pain in the a**
Edit: If you convert “abracadabra” to switches then it will look like this “-a -br -ac -ad -ab -ra”
a -ac -ai -ep1 -kb -ibck -os -rr3p -s -ds -ed -r -y -m…
for anyone who doesn’t understand we repeat:
a -ac -ai -ep1 -kb -ibck -os -rr3p -s -ds -ed -r -y -m
Eventually working 7zip compresion method.
Some switches are different from RAR’s (rar have twice as many then 7zip)
compressLevel argument must use this numbers:
0 “No compression” | 1 “Fastest” | 3 “Fast” | 5 “Normal”| 7 “Maximum” | 9 “Ultra”
fn compressTo7zip folder: _7zipFile: compressLevel: password: _7zipDir:@"c:\Program Files\7-Zip\" = if doesDirectoryExist folder do
_7zipFile = if pathConfig.isPathRootedAtBackslash _7zipFile or pathConfig.isPathRootedAtDriveLetter _7zipFile then _7zipFile
else pathConfig.appendPath folder _7zipFile
local do7Z = "start /d " + "\""+_7zipDir+"\""+" 7z.exe "
local switches = "a -r -t7z -y -ssw -mx"+ compressLevel as string
if password != unsupplied do switches += (" -p" + password)
DOSCommand (do7Z + switches + " "+ "\"" + _7zipFile + "\"" + " " + "\"" + folder + "\"")
compressTo7zip folder:@"c: emp est" _7zipFile:@"c: emp\project.7z" compressLevel:5 password:"123456789"
For my friend Kostadin IZArc compression method
slow compression for .zip
password supported only for .ZIP, .BH or .JAR archive
not so meny options for this archiver (command and switches)
need to install IZArc Command Line Add-On (IZARCC.exe)
this archiver supports too meny extension but allow to compress in few
newly archive not contains any sub-dir inside
x86 only
compressLevel argument must use this strings:
“0” “Store” | “f” “Fast” | “n” “Normal” | “x” “Maximum”| “b” “maximum(bzip2)”
fn compressToIZArc folder: izarcFile: compressLevel: password: izarcDir:@"c:\Program Files (x86)\IZArc\" = if doesDirectoryExist folder do
izarcFile = if pathConfig.isPathRootedAtBackslash izarcFile or pathConfig.isPathRootedAtDriveLetter izarcFile then izarcFile
else pathConfig.appendPath folder izarcFile
local doIZArc = "start /d " + "\""+izarcDir+"\""+" IZARCC.exe "
local switches = "-a -r -e2 -w -c"+ compressLevel
if password != unsupplied do switches += (" -s" + password)
DOSCommand (doIZArc + switches + " "+ "\"" + izarcFile + "\"" + " " + "\"" + folder + "\"")
compressToIZArc folder:@"c: emp est" izarcFile:@"c: emp\project.zip" compressLevel:"n" password:"123456789"
you be a COMPRESSOR MASTER very soon. you will be able to compress any file in any format manually. just a little more practice and you will be able do it blindfold.
PeaZip compression solution
What is interesting about this freeware archiver:
when you manually try to compress some files or folder in the process window you can see command-line code with all settings
fn compressToPeaZip folder: peaFile: compressLevel: password: peaDir:@"C:\Program Files\PeaZip\res\7z\" = if doesDirectoryExist folder do
peaFile = if pathConfig.isPathRootedAtBackslash peaFile or pathConfig.isPathRootedAtDriveLetter peaFile then peaFile
else pathConfig.appendPath folder peaFile
local doPZ = "start /d " + "\""+peaDir+"\""+" 7z.exe "
local switches = "a -t7z -m0=LZMA -mmt=on -md=64m -mfb=64 -ms=4g -sccUTF-8 -mx"+ compressLevel as string
if password != unsupplied do switches += (" -p" + password + " -mhe=on")
DOSCommand (doPZ + switches + " "+ "\"" + peaFile + "\"" + " " + "\"" + folder + "\"")
compressToPeaZip folder:@"c: emp est" peaFile:"project.rar" compressLevel:9 password:"12345"