[Closed] Create & use CompositeTexturemap in C#/C++?
I am trying to programatically instantiate a CompositeTexturemap, add a second layer, and set the maps & blendmodes.
I can do this fine in MaxScript, such as:
diffuse_map = CompositeTextureMap();
diffuse_map.blendMode[2] = 2;
diffuse_map.mapList[1] = (bitmapTexture filename:"E:/Diffuse.jpg")
diffuse_map.mapList[2] = (bitmapTexture filename:"E:/Diffuse2.jpg")
But I cannot do this in C++/C# because there is no Add() method on the IMultiTex interface, and SetNumSubTexmaps() does not work. By that I mean, I call it but the count for the various table entries in the ParamBlock2 (i.e. Maps, MapEnable, Mask, …) do not increase, and simply calling set with a higher index results in some working but some not.
Does anyone have an example of how to use this class from the SDK?
you can access it via it’s function publishing interface (it’s the same interfaces the mxs calls you listed use). Though there are many many examples of creating a fp interface good luck in finding an example of one being called from another plugin as i’ve never seen one.
this will get you access to the interface
#include "<whatever path>\maxsdk\samples\materials\composite.h"
if(texmap->ClassID() == Class_ID(COMPOSITE_CLASS_ID, 0 ))
Composite::Interface* ip = GetCompositeInterface(texmap);
int numlayers = ip->MXS_Count()
// you would the access the new layers via the subanims mechanism
from the source code cpp
Reference system:
The reference Index works as follow for textures:
[0] – The parameter block
[1…n( – The Textures (1)]
[n…2n( – The Masks (1)]
think you can then access the layer setting via the texmap param block…
kBlendMode = 5
kOpacity = 8
then access would be like this (where layerNumber = the layer index)
IParamBlock2* pblock = texmap->GetParamBlock(0);
pblock->SetValue (kBlendMode , t, kMultiply, layerNumber);
pblock->SetValue (kOpacity , t, 0.5f, layerNumber);
Thank you Klvnk!
I have retrieved the FPInterface from the CompositeTexturemap class, from the ClassDirectory and have found how to invoke the ‘add’ method. (Since the managed SDK doesn’t have the CompositeInterface itself).
I just need to figure out how to create an FPParams object in the managed SDK and I can try it.