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[Closed] couple of problems with array modifier script

I got some problems with the script im working on. The script is a kinda of a Array Object modifier, which creates instances of the object like the array function, but more handy if you need to be able to change the amount or spacing.

Got these problems:

  1. When the modifier is added, the ‘2D’ and ‘3D’ spinners doesn’t get disabled at startup. Also when the object gets deselected, the same happens, all fields gets enabled. I tried to add the enabled:true to the parameter rollout, but it apparently doesn’t work.

  2. I got some variables which gets reset every time I deselect the object. I tried to use global but I can’t use that because it affects all objects that got the array object modifier on them. So if the modifier is applied to more then one object, it gets screwed up.

Here is the script:

 --						 --
 -- By Anders K. Nielsen (  --
 -- v 0.5								  --
 -- Created On: 16/12/05				   --
 -- Modified On: 04/01/05				  --
 -- tested using 3DS Max 7.0 SP1		   --
 -- Description:						   --
 -- Well, I'll get to day	  --
 plugin modifier ArrayObjectMod
 name:"Array Object"
 classID:#(0x216072cc, 0x69dc1a4a)
 	parameters main rollout:ArraySettings (
 	  boundingBox type:#boolean animatable:false ui:showAsBoundingBox default:false
 	  dimSelect type:#integer animatable:false ui:dimensionsSelect default:1
 	  arrAmount1 type:#integer animatable:false ui:arrayAmount1 default:5 enabled:true
 	  arrSpaceX1 type:#float animatable:false ui:arraySpaceX1 default:50 enabled:true
 	  arrSpaceY1 type:#float animatable:false ui:arraySpaceY1 default:0 enabled:true
 	  arrSpaceZ1 type:#float animatable:false ui:arraySpaceZ1 default:0 enabled:true
 	  arrAmount2 type:#integer animatable:false ui:arrayAmount2 default:1 enabled:false
 	  arrSpaceX2 type:#float animatable:false ui:arraySpaceX2 default:0 enabled:false
 	  arrSpaceY2 type:#float animatable:false ui:arraySpaceY2 default:0 enabled:false
 	  arrSpaceZ2 type:#float animatable:false ui:arraySpaceZ2 default:0 enabled:false
 	  arrAmount3 type:#integer animatable:false ui:arrayAmount3 default:1 enabled:false
 	  arrSpaceX3 type:#float animatable:false ui:arraySpaceX3 default:0 enabled:false
 	  arrSpaceY3 type:#float animatable:false ui:arraySpaceY3 default:0 enabled:false
 	  arrSpaceZ3 type:#float animatable:false ui:arraySpaceZ3 default:0 enabled:false
 	rollout ArraySettings "Array Modifier" (
 	  group "General:" (
 		checkbox showAsBoundingBox "Bounding Box?"
 		button updateArrayButton "Update" width:100 height:24
 	  group "Array Dimensions" (
 		radiobuttons dimensionsSelect labels:#("1D", "2D", "3D") columns:3 align:#left
 	  group "1D Dimension" (
 		spinner arrayAmount1 "Amount 1D:" range:[1,1000,5] fieldwidth:40 align:#right type:#integer
 		spinner arraySpaceX1 "Spacing X:" range:[-9999999,9999999,50] fieldwidth:50 align:#right type:#float
 		spinner arraySpaceY1 "Spacing Y:" range:[-9999999,9999999,0] fieldwidth:50 align:#right type:#float
 		spinner arraySpaceZ1 "Spacing Z:" range:[-9999999,9999999,0] fieldwidth:50 align:#right type:#float
 	  ) -- End group 'Settings - 1D'
 	  group "2D Dimension" (
 		spinner arrayAmount2 "Amount 2D:" range:[1,1000,1] fieldwidth:40 align:#right type:#integer
 		spinner arraySpaceX2 "Spacing X:" range:[-9999999,9999999,0] fieldwidth:50 align:#right type:#float
 		spinner arraySpaceY2 "Spacing Y:" range:[-9999999,9999999,0] fieldwidth:50 align:#right type:#float
 		spinner arraySpaceZ2 "Spacing Z:" range:[-9999999,9999999,0] fieldwidth:50 align:#right type:#float
 	  ) -- End group 'Settings - 2D'
 	  group "3D Dimension" (
 		spinner arrayAmount3 "Amount 3D:" range:[1,1000,1] fieldwidth:40 align:#right type:#integer
 		spinner arraySpaceX3 "Spacing X:" range:[-9999999,9999999,0] fieldwidth:50 align:#right type:#float
 		spinner arraySpaceY3 "Spacing Y:" range:[-9999999,9999999,0] fieldwidth:50 align:#right type:#float
 		spinner arraySpaceZ3 "Spacing Z:" range:[-9999999,9999999,0] fieldwidth:50 align:#right type:#float
 	  ) -- End group 'Settings - 3D'
 	  group "Other:" (
 		button eraseButton "Erase Array Objects" height:24
 	  global parentObjID
 	  global Parent_Obj_Name
 	  global Parent_Obj_Pos
 	  global Parent_Obj_Color
 	  global arrParentObjs
 	  global BoundingBox
 	  global Obj_Amount1
 	  global Obj_SpaceX1
 	  global Obj_SpaceY1
 	  global Obj_SpaceZ1
 	  global Obj_Amount2
 	  global Obj_SpaceX2
 	  global Obj_SpaceY2
 	  global Obj_SpaceZ2
 	  global Obj_Amount3
 	  global Obj_SpaceX3
 	  global Obj_SpaceY3
 	  global Obj_SpaceZ3
 	  global Obj_Amount1Old
 	  global Obj_Amount2Old
 	  global Obj_Amount3Old
 	  global dimensionsSelectOld
 	  fn createObject L1D L2D L3D = (
 		strNewChildName = Parent_Obj_Name + ".arr_" + (L1D as string) + "x" + (L2D as string) + "x" + (L3D as string)
 		child_pos_x = Parent_Obj_Pos[1] + (L1D * Obj_SpaceX1)
 		child_pos_y = Parent_Obj_Pos[2] + (L1D * Obj_SpaceY1)
 		child_pos_z = Parent_Obj_Pos[3] + (L1D * Obj_SpaceZ1)
 		if dimensionsSelect.state > 1 do (
 		  child_pos_x = child_pos_x + (L2D * Obj_SpaceX2)
 		  child_pos_y = child_pos_y + (L2D * Obj_SpaceY2)
 		  child_pos_z = child_pos_z + (L2D * Obj_SpaceZ2)
 		if dimensionsSelect.state > 2 do (
 		  child_pos_x = child_pos_x + (L3D * Obj_SpaceX3)
 		  child_pos_y = child_pos_y + (L3D * Obj_SpaceY3)
 		  child_pos_z = child_pos_z + (L3D * Obj_SpaceZ3)
 		objectCheck = execute ("$'" + strNewChildName + "'")
 		if objectCheck == undefined then (
 		  -- Object doesn't exist, create new instance
 		  objectCheck = instance arrParentObjs[parentObjID] name:strNewChildName
 		objectCheck.pos = [child_pos_x, child_pos_y, child_pos_z]
 		objectCheck.wireColor = Parent_Obj_Color
 		objectCheck.boxMode = showAsBoundingBox.checked
 	  fn updateCheck = (
 		-- Check if there is objects that isn't in the array any longer but still in scene after changes
 		Redudent_Amount = false
 		If Obj_Amount1Old == undefined do (
 		  Obj_Amount1Old = 0
 		If Obj_Amount2Old == undefined do (
 		  Obj_Amount2Old = 0
 		If Obj_Amount3Old == undefined do (
 		  Obj_Amount3Old = 0
 		If dimensionsSelectOld == undefined do (
 		  dimensionsSelectOld = 1
 		If arrParentObjs == undefined do (
 		  arrParentObjs  = selection as array
 		If Obj_Amount1 < Obj_Amount1Old do (
 		  Redudent_Amount = true
 		if (Obj_Amount2 < Obj_Amount2Old and dimensionsSelect.state > 1) do (
 		  Redudent_Amount = true
 		if (Obj_Amount3 < Obj_Amount3Old and dimensionsSelect.state > 2) do (
 		  Redudent_Amount = true
 		if  dimensionsSelect.state < dimensionsSelectOld do (
 		  Redudent_Amount = true
 		if Redudent_Amount == true do (
 		  confirmDelete = queryBox("There is objects that will not belong to the modifier after changes.

Do you want all array objects to be deleted before proceeding?")
 		  if confirmDelete == true do (
 			execute ("delete $'" + Parent_Obj_Name + ".arr_*'")
 	  fn updateArray = (
 		-- BEGIN - Update array
 		Obj_Amount1  = arrayAmount1.value
 		Obj_SpaceX1  = arraySpaceX1.value
 		Obj_SpaceY1  = arraySpaceY1.value
 		Obj_SpaceZ1  = arraySpaceZ1.value
 		Obj_Amount2  = arrayAmount2.value
 		Obj_SpaceX2  = arraySpaceX2.value
 		Obj_SpaceY2  = arraySpaceY2.value
 		Obj_SpaceZ2  = arraySpaceZ2.value
 		Obj_Amount3  = arrayAmount3.value
 		Obj_SpaceX3  = arraySpaceX3.value
 		Obj_SpaceY3  = arraySpaceY3.value
 		Obj_SpaceZ3  = arraySpaceZ3.value
 		-- BEGIN - Check how many objects will be created and warn if there is many
 		tempCount = Obj_Amount1
 		if dimensionsSelect.state > 1 do (
 		  tempCount = tempCount * Obj_Amount2
 		if dimensionsSelect.state > 2 do (
 		  tempCount = tempCount * Obj_Amount3
 		confirmArray = true
 		if tempCount > 100 do (
 		  confirmArray = queryBox "The amount of objects created by the array
is 100+. This might take a while.

Sure you want to proceed?" title:"Confirm Array"
 		if confirmArray == true do (
 		  for x = 1 to selection.count do (
 			-- get all objects in selection
 			parentObjID = x
 			Parent_Obj_Name   = arrParentObjs[parentObjID].name
 			Parent_Obj_Pos	= arrParentObjs[parentObjID].pos
 			Parent_Obj_Color  = arrParentObjs[parentObjID].wireColor as color
 			case dimensionsSelect.state of (
 				  for loop1D = 0 to (Obj_Amount1 - 1) do (
 					if loop1D != 0 do (
 					  createObject loop1D 0 0
 				) -- end case 1
 				  for loop2D = 0 to (Obj_Amount2 - 1) do (
 					for loop1D = 0 to (Obj_Amount1 - 1) do (
 					  if not (loop1D == 0 and loop2D == 0) do (
 						createObject loop1D loop2D 0
 				) -- end case 2
 				  for loop3D = 0 to (Obj_Amount3 - 1) do (
 					for loop2D = 0 to (Obj_Amount2 - 1) do (
 					  for loop1D = 0 to (Obj_Amount1 - 1) do (
 						if not (loop1D == 0 and loop2D == 0 and loop3D == 0) do (
 						  createObject loop1D loop2D loop3D
 				) -- end case 3
 			) -- end case statement dimensionsSelect
 		  ) -- end for
 		  -- Update old values for amount check
 		  Obj_Amount1Old = Obj_Amount1
 		  Obj_Amount2Old = Obj_Amount2
 		  Obj_Amount3Old = Obj_Amount3
 		  dimensionsSelectOld = dimensionsSelect.state
 	  fn eraseArray = (
 		confirmDelete = queryBox("Do you want all array objects to be deleted?

Original will be left alone.")
 		if confirmDelete == true do (
 		  execute ("delete $'" + Parent_Obj_Name + ".arr_*'")
 	  on updateArrayButton pressed do updateArray()
 	  on dimensionsSelect changed state do (
 		-- change which spinners and inputfields is active
 		case dimensionsSelect.state of (
 			  arrayAmount2.enabled = false
 			  arrayAmount3.enabled = false
 			  arraySpaceX2.enabled = false
 			  arraySpaceY2.enabled = false
 			  arraySpaceZ2.enabled = false
 			  arraySpaceX3.enabled = false
 			  arraySpaceY3.enabled = false
 			  arraySpaceZ3.enabled = false
 			  arrayAmount2.enabled = true
 			  arrayAmount3.enabled = false
 			  arraySpaceX2.enabled = true
 			  arraySpaceY2.enabled = true
 			  arraySpaceZ2.enabled = true
 			  arraySpaceX3.enabled = false
 			  arraySpaceY3.enabled = false
 			  arraySpaceZ3.enabled = false
 			  arrayAmount2.enabled = true
 			  arrayAmount3.enabled = true
 			  arraySpaceX2.enabled = true
 			  arraySpaceY2.enabled = true
 			  arraySpaceZ2.enabled = true
 			  arraySpaceX3.enabled = true
 			  arraySpaceY3.enabled = true
 			  arraySpaceZ3.enabled = true
 	  on eraseButton pressed do eraseArray()
 	) -- End rollout 'Array Modifier'
 	on create do (
 	  arrParentObjs  = selection as array
 	  Obj_Amount1Old = 0
 	  Obj_Amount2Old = 0
 	  Obj_Amount3Old = 0
 	  dimensionsSelectOld = 1
 	rollout AboutArray "About..." rolledUp:false (
 	  label TitleLabel "Array Object Modifier v0.5"
 	  label CreatedByLabel "Created by"
 	  label CreatedByName "Anders K. 'McGreed' Nielsen"
 	  label NoteLabel1 "tested using 3DS Max 7"
1 Reply

Noone who got an idea about what to do?