[Closed] copying a modifier
Is there a way to copy an Edit Poly modifier to multiple objects with maxscript?
I used search and all I could find was an unanswered thread with the same question.
Thank you for your answer!
Being more specific I want to copy the modifier to an array of objects if it is possible.
curretnly no there is no way to do with maxscript that will hold the edits of the sub objecst only the parameters of the modifier , you will just have to copy and paste in the UI
For some strange reason no is the answer to this. I don’t fully understand why but you can copy it manualy and it will update the mesh you have copied to but if you do it via script it doesn’t.
Its definately strange, thank you for you answer.
I have another question that isnt really related but I dont want to start a new thread.
Is it possible to access buttons of an utility in the utility panel, say the programmers made us a nice tool but it requires much clicking that could be reduced by having a very simple macroscript. If it is possible via maxscript I’d really like to know how. Should I mention our programmers use the sdk and have no knowledge of maxscript so I’m on my own.
to answer your first quesiton, i found this in the maxscript reference whilst looking for something else:
addModifier $foo $baz.bend
will cause foo to share the bend modifier on baz, whereas:
addModifier $foo (copy $baz.bend)
will give foo a separate clone of the bend modifier on baz. Any changes to the bend modifier on foo will not affect baz and vice versa.
I tested this and it works with the edit poly modifier aswell althought i didnt test it with edits made using the modifier