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[Closed] copy selection, move and convert to EP

Hi all!

It´s me (again, dooh)
I tried to make a small simple script that

  1. copy (not instance) my selection
  2. move 500mm in the Xaxis
  3. convert it to an EditablePoly

I came up with this, all copied from the Listener, but it´s not working :-s

select $()
actionMan.executeAction 0 “40213” – Edit: Clone
maxOps.cloneNodes $Line02 cloneType:#copy newNodes:&nnl
select nnl
move $Line03 [500,0,0]

Could somebody plz have a look at it

Take care

3 Replies

 -- check if selection is not empty
 if selection.count > 0 do with redraw off  -- speed up operation doing it with no redraw
 	new = #() -- an array for new objects 
 	-- clone with type #copy and shift (see MXS help [b]Interface: maxOps[/b] ->[b] Collapse and Clone Nodes[/b])
 	-- units.decodevalue (see MXS help[b] Units Struct - Accessing System and Display Units[/b] -> Methods)
 	maxOps.CloneNodes selection offset:[units.decodevalue "500mm",0,0] cloneType:#copy newNodes:&new
 	-- convert nodes set to Editable Poly (if can be converted)
 	convertto new editable_poly
        -- select new objects if necessary:
 	select new

Thank you so very much! It works great!

Hi (Denis)!

I would like to thank you once again for your help… This script has saved me alot of time!
Now that I have used it for some time I would like too change one thing. Is it possible to collapse the selected objects to one single editable poly instead of seperated ?