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[Closed] Copy fov animation from Physical to Standart camera
Mar 04, 2020 11:45 pm
I want to copy the animation of fov from Physical to Standart camera.
I tried:
StandartCamera.fov.controller = copy PhysicalCamera.fov.controller
StandartCamera[4][1].controller = copy PhysicalCamera[4][6].controller
but the animation is copied with strange values
Tried to copy keys:
KeysPhysicalCameraFov = PhysicalCamera.fov.controller.keys
for keyNum = 1 to KeysPhysicalCameraFov.count do
with animate on
at time KeysPhysicalCameraFov[keyNum].time StandartCamera.fov = PhysicalCamera.fov
But in this case, the animation’s tangents are not copied.
Please, help me to solve this problem.
2 Replies
Mar 04, 2020 11:45 pm
$Camera001.fov.controller = bezier_float()
camerafovsel =$Camera001.fov.controller.keys
propertysel = #(#value,#inTangent,#outTangent,#inTangentType ,#outTangentType ,#inTangentLength ,#outTangentLength )
for i in $PhysCamera001.fov.controller.keys do
bb=addNewKey camerafovsel i.time
for j in propertysel do
setProperty bb j (getProperty i j)