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[Closed] Convert unwrap edges to mesh

BTW I’m sorry for misunderstanding, I work with Poly, not a Mesh.
And yes, unwrap.GetSelectedGeomEdges doesn’t work on Mesh too.

denisT, thanks for your code but it works slower than my own.

Here is a short gif record of how my script works on “simple” selections. Algorythm is pretty stupid and described in first post (second method).
In many real world cases it works flawlessly. However I’m hoping to improve it.

I have a question.
Can Unwrap edges numeration be somehow reproduces based on uv verts numeration? I mean slowest part of all methods in web is “select unwrap edge > convert to verts” repeated many times in loop. So to remove this step I need to know 2 uv verts of each uv edge or something like this.

I understand that “uv edge” is something that we have only in Unwrap context.
Mesh builded from uv verts have different edges indexation than unwrap. Mesh builded from Channel info uv>poly have different edges indexation.

Here is a part of my script.

fn NS_TransferUvEdgesToPoly = (
   local obj = selection[1]
   local unwMod = obj.modifiers[Unwrap_UVW]
   modPanel.setCurrentObject unwMod
   local edgesSel = unwMod.getSelectedEdges()
   if not edgesSel.isEmpty then (
      subobjectlevel = 1
      local vertsAll = unwMod.getSelectedGeomVerts()
      local edgesAll = unwMod.getSelectedEdges()
      local edgesExclude = edgesAll - edgesSel
      local betterToExclude = edgesExclude.numberset < edgesSel.numberset
      local edgesToParse = if betterToExclude then edgesExclude else edgesSel
      local edgesToParseArr = edgesToParse as array
      local cSelectEdges = unwMod.selectEdges
      for i=1 to edgesToParseArr.count do (
         ed = edgesToParseArr[i]
         cSelectEdges #{ed}
         edgesToParseArr[i] = unwMod.getSelectedGeomVerts()
      unwMod.selectEdges edgesSel                      
      subobjectlevel = 0
      -- END get unwrap edges selection
      op = Edit_Poly()
      local polyEdges = #{}
      local epSetSelection = op.SetSelection
      local epConvertSelection = op.ConvertSelection
      local epGetSelection = op.GetSelection
      modPanel.addModToSelection op ui:on
      op.SetOperation #UnhideAllVertex
      if betterToExclude then (
         epSetSelection #Vertex vertsAll node:obj
         epConvertSelection #Vertex #Edge requireAll:true
         polyEdges = epGetSelection #Edge node:obj
      for vPair in edgesToParseArr do (
         epSetSelection #Vertex vPair node:obj
         epConvertSelection #Vertex #Edge requireAll:true
         if betterToExclude then polyEdges -= op.GetSelection #Edge node:obj
         else polyEdges += epGetSelection #Edge node:obj
      epSetSelection #Edge polyEdges node:obj      
      subobjectlevel = 2
      format "time: % ms
" (timestamp()-ts1)

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