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[Closed] Constant speed vs constant intervals

Hello all,

I’m trying to do the following : I have a camera animated at constant intervals (one key every 100 frames). So the distance varies between the keys but the interval remains 100 frames.

Now I want to inverse the thing : I want a constant speed between the keys, meaning i must change the durations between keys.

	desiredSpeed = 1.0
	camCtrl =$cam_free.position.controller
	targetCtrl = $
	camKeys = camCtrl.keys
	targetKeys = targetCtrl.keys
	for i = 2 to camKeys.count do
		-- The distance between keys
		d = distance camKeys[i].value camKeys[i-1].value 

		-- The time between keys
		t = camKeys[i].time - camKeys[i-1].time 
		-- The speed between keys
		s = d/t 

-- 		the ratio between the actual speed and the desired speed
		coeff = (s / desiredSpeed) 		
-- 		the new time of the key
		newTime =((camKeys[i-1].time +  t * coeff) as integer) / 160
		-- then the offset between actual time and new time for the moveKey command
		offset = (newTime - camKeys[i].time)
		moveKey camCtrl i offset
		moveKey targetCtrl i offset		

The problem is that it seems to scramble keys so that the order of keys is not respected. I don’t see where the problem is. Note : even with sortKeys(), the problem persists.

Any idea ?

2 Replies

try replacing the moveKey commands with something like this:

camKeys[i].time = newTime

or you could iterate backwards like this:

for i = camKeys.count to 2 by -1 do

another thing that can get useful when dealing with time values is that you can get it’s value without dividing by the ticks per frame.
for example if you have:

myTime = 10f

then myTime.frame will return 10.0

I found the problem came from there :

newTime =((camKeys[i-1].time +  t * coeff) as integer) / 160

Since CamKeys[i-1].time changed (the key was moved in the previous iteration of the loop), the data was obsolete, making the interval between i and i-1 false.