[Closed] connect2way not going 2-way
Here’s a code snippet wiring a 2-way connection between objects…
rollout wtest "Wire Test"
button btn_b1 "Make Box 1"
button btn_b2 "Make Box 2"
button btn_wire "Connect"
local b1, b2, amt
on btn_b1 pressed do
b1 = box()
on btn_b2 pressed do
b2 = box pos:[50,0,0]
on btn_wire pressed do
amt = -4
paramWire.connect2way b1.rotation.controller[#Z_Rotation]\
b2.rotation.controller[#Z_Rotation] "Z_Rotation" ("Z_Rotation*"+ amt as string)
createDialog 200 100
After executing this, if you rotate box1 then box2 behaves as advertised; it rotates four times for every one rotation of box1, in the opposite direction from box1. BUT if you rotate box2, multiplication by the variable is ignored, so both boxes rotate in the same direction at the same rate. When I wire this connection manually, the ratio of spin and direction is the same regardless of which box is rotated. What am I missing in the code to get the same results? Many thanks.
Maybe change
"Z_Rotation" ("Z_Rotation*"+ amt as string)
("Z_Rotation/"+amt as string) ("Z_Rotation*"+ amt as string)
I just tested it and it works:
rollout wtest "Wire Test"
button btn_b1 "Make Box 1"
button btn_b2 "Make Box 2"
button btn_wire "Connect"
local b1, b2, amt
on btn_b1 pressed do
b1 = box()
on btn_b2 pressed do
b2 = box pos:[50,0,0]
on btn_wire pressed do
amt = -4
paramWire.connect2way b1.rotation.controller[#Z_Rotation]\
b2.rotation.controller[#Z_Rotation] \
("Z_Rotation/"+amt as string) \
("Z_Rotation*"+ amt as string)
createDialog wtest 200 100
By golly, you’re right. Another gold star for you, Pat . Excuse my cranial density, but why does that work?
I’d say essentially because it was a lucky guess.
I think each object looks at the wiring formula, without regard for the other way.
If you try
"Z_Rotation * 3" "Z_Rotation * 5"
for example, it doesn’t check if the relations are consistent, unlike what you enter in the Parameter Wiring dialog (some times). It seems to just apply the formula as it is.
Now I don’t know if this is intended or just one of these oddities.
As a see it, when you rotate one box, the other being wired will follow the formula. But then there should be a feedback to the first one, as it is also wired to the Z_Rotation parameter of the second.
Unless an explicit rotation overwrites the wiring.
So it could be made this way on purpose to allow more freedom to the animator, or just be bad programming practice.
We need someone who knows the inner mechanisms of max to clarify that point.
I agree. I notice that if I macro-record wiring a manual 2-way connection and then execute the macro, that the wiring will work as it’s supposed to. But that double command is not present in the macro.