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[Closed] combine $ with a variable string

this should be fairly simple, but somehow i cant combine the $ with a variable.VRayProxy_Bridge3 is the object name. This code works:

move $VRayProxy_Bridge3 [xPosvalue,yPosvalue,zPosvalue]

instead i want it to be, but this one deosnt work:

move $+“variable” [xPosvalue,yPosvalue,zPosvalue]

here the variable is a string

thx for quick help!

6 Replies

move (getNodebyName variable) [5,0,0]


It doesn’t look like good practice.
Maybe you should post the whole code of what you’re trying to do.

nope didnt work, thx though, attaching the code, when i execute with your suggestion we dont reach the bottom to print commands

errorstate = false
Global f2
Global BldgRootFolder
Global SaveLocation
rollout CEL "CityEngine layout" width:467 height:321
groupBox grp3 "City Layout" pos:[4,3] width:460 height:310
label InputfileName "Layout TXT" pos:[24,180] width:300 height:30
label InputBldgDirName "Building Directory" pos:[24,80] width:300 height:30
button InputLayout "Load CityEngine layout" pos:[84,130] width:188 height:43
button InputBldgDir "Load Building root Directory" pos:[84,35] width:188 height:43
on InputBldgDir pressed do
SaveLocation = getSavePath caption:"Pick buidling Root location" initialDir:"Q:\Public\lpeterffy\ProxyTest"
BldgRootFolder = SaveLocation
if BldgRootFolder == undefined do(print "No Buidling Root Folder Chosen"; errorstate = true)
	if BldgRootFolder != undefined do(InputBldgDirName.text = "Buidling Root Directory :" + BldgRootFolder)
-- events that have to happen such as button pressed
on InputLayout pressed do
f = getOpenFileName types:"Text(*.txt)|*.txt|All files|*.*|"
if f == undefined do (print "No layout TXT file Chosen"; errorstate = true)
if f != undefined do (f2 = openFile f mode:"rt")
if f2 == undefined do (print "Layout file Not Found"; errorstate = true)
if f != undefined do (InputfileName.text = "Layout file: "+f)
if f2 == undefined do (Messagebox "Layout file Not Found"; errorState = true)
while not eof f2 AND not errorstate do 
inputData = readLine f2
inputData = trimright inputData
inputArray = filterString inputData " , "
if inputArray.count == 11 do (
	BldgNr = inputArray[1] +" "
	AssetName =inputArray[2] 
	AssetName=substring AssetName 1 (findString AssetName "." - 1)
	xPosvalue = inputArray[3] as float
	yPosvalue = inputArray[4] as float
	zPosvalue = inputArray[5] as float
	xRotvalue = inputArray[6] as float
	yRotvalue = inputArray[7] as float
	zRotvalue = inputArray[8] as float
	xScalevalue = inputArray[9] as float
	yScalevalue = inputArray[10] as float
	zScalevalue = inputArray[11] as float
	print BldgNr
	print AssetName
	print xPosvalue
	print yPosvalue
	print zPosvalue
	print xRotvalue
	print yRotvalue
	print zRotvalue
	print xScalevalue
	print yScalevalue
	print zScalevalue
	ImportingMaxfile = BldgRootFolder+"/" + AssetName+".max" 
	ProxyObjName= getmaxfileobjectnames ImportingMaxfile 
	mergemaxfile ImportingMaxfile ProxyObjName #select
	--move getNodebyName ProxyObjName [40,0,0]
	move $VRayProxy_Bridge3 [xPosvalue,yPosvalue,zPosvalue]
	print ProxyObjName
	print ImportingMaxfile
CreateDialog CEL

what i am trying to do is loading data from a text file , this data has RTS values i want to use to distribute vrayproxy models from an external max file…

getnodebyname needs a single item, the ProxyObjName will return an array not a string. Also, you need to wrap it in () so that is executed as a single item in the move command. Currently your code says:

move <node>getNodeByName <point3>ProxyObjName

instead of:

move <node>(getNodeByName ProxyObjName) <point3>[40,0,0]

You will need to put ProxyObjName in a for loop and access the array index:

for val in 1 to ProxyObjName.count do (
 	 move (getNodeByName ProxyObjName[val]) [40,0,0]


ah yes! forgot that one was an array.

Loops through fine now, thx Eric