[Closed] Collapsing the stack
Ok, seeing as collapsing isn’t working, what you might try it to get the instance of the modifier and copy the modifier over to your new object.
GetClassInstances() – might check this out for doing what I’m saying globally
toCopy = $.modifiers[#WSMMOD] – Copy it directly
addmodifer newObj toCopy
Maybe maybe?
Moondoggie, I think I know what you are getting at. I just added a section to loop thru the modifiers on the old object from bottom up (so it gets added in the right order) and if it’s a WSM, then copy it to the new object.
for j = oldpolys[i].modifiers.count to 1 by -1 do
if superclassof oldpolys[i].modifiers[j] == SpacewarpModifier then
WSMcopy = copy oldpolys[i].modifiers[j]
addmodifier oldpoly WSMcopy
This worked great to copy the WSMs to the copied obect. BUT yet again, the maxops.collapsenodeto failed to collapse the WSM’s into the copied object. And yet again it works if I run the command in the listener after the script has done object copy. Grrr.
I’m on max9 and I’ve had someone else on a mail list trying to help me with this issue and it seems that max 2008 doesn’t have a problem when collapsing WSM’s with maxops.collapsenodeto. So I might just have to wait til I’m on 2008 til I get this functionality to work in my script. Thanks so much for your time and help though.