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[Closed] collapse controller

Hi ,
i did’nt find any info about the “collapse controller” utility found in
TrackView -> Controller -> Collapse Controller

I need to collapse a float_script controller animation into 1 keyframe per frame.
I can do this operation by hand, but i need to automate this process by making it with Maxscript.

Is there a function to call this “utility” ?
i searched “Collapse” / “Controller”, in this forum, and in the maxscript reference but i did’nt find anything. How should i search to find that type of information ?


2 Replies

do you mean bake your animation into key frames ?

if yes, check:

I finally found the function wich is executed in the TrackView -> Controller -> Collapse Controller.

fn collapseController ControllerFrom ControllerTo Start End Samples =
  	-- function handles everything in ticks, to ensure flexibility and precision
  	local starttick = start*ticksPerFrame, endtick = end*ticksPerFrame, sampletick = samples*ticksPerFrame
  	for i in starttick to endtick by sampletick do
  		tmpKey = addNewKey controllerTo ((i/ticksPerFrame) as time)
  		tmpKey.value = at time ((i/ticksPerFrame) as time) controllerFrom.value
  	) -- end for
  ) -- end fn collapseController2Controller