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[Closed] Coding Challenge : Create absolutely everything in 3dsmax

I’ve written a script that creates pretty much anything that can be created in 3dsmax… well not EVERYTHING for sure, but what I needed for my purposes at the time.

It seems like a fun challenge, and I’d love to see the results of your attempts.

Rules :
All classes must be actually in the final scene; eg applied to the relevant parent if required and not orphaned; eg modifiers need to be assigned to an object.

There’s no way to compete on this one, as the results will vary depending on the plugins you have installed.

Here’s my feeble attempt for comparison :

3 Replies
cc = #()
insts = #()
mapped fn createinstances c instances: = append instances (createinstance c)
for sc in superclasses do for c in sc.classes where c.creatable do append cc c
createinstances cc instances:insts

it collects all creatable classes and their instances

PS. if any plugin is written bad there is no way in general to avoid a crash (try/catch doesn’t ensure safe)

of course we can do it in one pass, and collect pairs for example. in this case we don’t need ‘the mapped function’

Hah, well that is a thing of beauty… unfortunately it’s not quite what I was looking for.

The instances generated should be accessible scene nodes; eg objects.count should return the number of objects you’ve instantiated… I wasn’t sure how to create objects when only given the constructor without doing the hacky ‘execute’ approach that I took.