What is a good way of subdividing a spline X number of times with smooth knots?
Every time you add a knot it changes the spline segement index???
steps = 4
theShape = $
for idx = 1 to numSplines theShape do
divideSeg = ceil (steps / numSegments theShape idx) as integer
part = 1
for s = 1 to numSegments theShape idx do
knot = subdivideSegment theShape idx (1*part) divideSeg
part += (divideSeg*s)
updateShape theShape
When you use subdivide method then alwas use backward loop
for idx in (numSplines theShape) to 1 by -1 do…
I’ll begin testing that and see what I get.
I’ve got some quite noticeable improvements which will be quite interesting once you get to mess with it.
If you feel up to it and want to further help out, I will eventually need to find a way to do this…
I have an array of 20 positions (point 3 values)
I need to collect only the ones whose positions fall within a given volume examples:a sphere.
Try this
posArr = for p in 1 to 20 collect random (point3 0 0 0) (point3 1000 1000 1000)
radius = 500 -- virtual sphere radius
center = point3 0 0 0 -- virtual sphere center
posInsideVirtualVolume = for p in posArr where distance p center < radius collect p
nice clever way of doing that.
Good one.
I’m pretty excited about this next version.Will definitely be pretty versatile.
As far as those renders you mentioned lastnight, was one of those renders in the email you sent me?
I’m currently working on one big architectural project and i’m quite busy.
That render is a small test when I get a break from work.
I hope to have more free time to make some interesting render.
Some pretty big breakthroughs in the next build of cobwebs,
Thanks again for everyone’s comments and help along the way.
Thanks Denis for making the remark that it does not appear to be radial like an actual web. In the next release it does just that. It needs a few performance tweaks but aside from that it is pretty close to being finished.
I’ll have a post later tonight if anyone is around.
If anything be sure to check back tomorrow. For those who don’t touch the pc over the weekends just check back at the beginning of the work week.
I look forward to hearing back from you guys.