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[Closed] Cobwebs – download

That is very true, The spiral affect is the way the actual web works. That is something I can look into, make it spiral when it webs. I’ve gotta get the radial sorting corrected first. I messaged ya about it to see if you could see if you noticed anything wrong.

And how to force ParticeFlow to think like a spider and produce beautiful sticky web?
The spider math is more advanced then PF code

This seems to sort in a radial fashion a bit better.
Especially things that are no perfectly on the x,y.

	local theObjects = getCurrentSelection()
    local count = theObjects.count
    local center = [0, 0, 0]
    for obj in theObjects do center += obj.pos
    center /= count
	fn angularSort obj1 obj2 = (
		in coordSys (transMatrix center)
			obj1[3][2][3].value - obj2[3][2][3].value
	-- create points (in case the objects has not Z_Rotation controller)
	tmpPoints = for obj in theObjects collect
		Point pos:obj.pos name:("_")
	qsort tmpPoints angularSort
	sortedArray = #(); sortedArray.count = theObjects.count
	for i = 1 to tmpPoints.count do (
		sortedArray[i] = getNodeByName (trimRight tmpPoints[i].name "_")
	delete tmpPoints
	print sortedArray
	for o = 1 to sortedArray.count do sortedArray[o].wirecolor = [0,20*o,20*o]

i’m pretty busy at this moment… as i have a time i will take a look.

Updates will be coming soon! keep on the look out!

Better Way?
Is there a better way of doing this? Without having to create the point helpers.

Radial Sorting?

	local center = [0, 0, 0]
	fn angularSort pt1 pt2 = (
		in coordSys (transMatrix center)
			pt1[3][2][3].value - pt2[3][2][3].value
	fn fnRadialSortPoints arr = (
		local count = arr.count
		for pt in arr do center += pt
		center /= count
	-- Create points (in case the objects has not Z_Rotation controller)
		tmpPoints = for pt in arr collect Point pos:pt		
		qsort tmpPoints angularSort
		delete tmpPoints
	fnRadialSortPoints tmpPoints

ive attached a file for testing on. In the file you’ll see a spline was drawn. That is there to represent the radial sorting.

I’m looking for some help on sorting position in 3d space in a radial array.

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This works. Pick a point helper (any) and run the code
First next point will be one that is closer to the selected point

 fn RemoveItemFromArray arr itm =
     local idx = findItem arr itm
     if idx == 0 then false else deleteItem arr idx
 pointArr = $Point* as array
 if selection.count == 1 do
     posArr = #(selection[1].center)
     itm = selection[1]
     while pointArr.count != 1 do
         minDist = amin (for p in pointArr where p != itm collect distance
         format "minDist = %
" minDist
         nextnode = (for p in pointArr where p != itm and (distance == minDist collect p)[1]
         pointArr = RemoveItemFromArray pointArr itm
         itm = nextnode ; append posArr
     format "posArr = %
" posArr

So in order to get the radial web sorting to be correct this is what i need to figure out.
I need to return an array which is the order of splines in a shape, but in order based on the radial sorting of the first knot in each spline.

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delete objects
 struct ThePoint (index, pos, angle, polar)
 points = for k=1 to 16 collect
 	a = random 0 360
 	p = [(cos a)*(random 5 20), (sin a)*(random 5 20), random -20 20]
 	ThePoint index:k pos:p 
 fn sortByPolar p1 p2 = if p1.polar < p2.polar then -1 else if p1.polar > p2.polar then 1 else 0
 fn sortByAngle p1 p2 = if p1.angle < p2.angle then -1 else if p1.angle > p2.angle then 1 else sortByPolar p1 p2
 fn tangent x y =
 	ang = atan ((y as float)/x)
 	if x < 0 do ang += 180
 	if x > 0 and y < 0 do ang += 360
 	360 - ang
 fn polarAngleSort points center: tm:(matrix3 1) = 
 	if points.count > 1 then
 		if center == unsupplied do
 			center = [0,0,0]
 			for p in points do center += p.pos
 			center /= points.count
 			center *= tm
 		tm = translate (tm.rotation as matrix3) center
 		for p in points do
 			pos = p.pos * tm
 			p.polar = pos.z
 			pos = normalize pos
 			p.angle = tangent pos.x pos.y
 		qsort points sortByAngle
 	else points
 polarAngleSort points
 for k=1 to points.count do
 	in (point pos:points[k].pos size:0.5 wirecolor:yellow) 
 		text pos:(points[k].pos+[0,0,0])  text:(k as string + " - " + points[k].index as string) size:1 wirecolor:yellow
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This solution are amazing.
Denis can you explain last for-loop. (First time I saw “in” in MXS.)

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see in context in mxs help. it’s very old technique. the new generation of mxs scripters doesn’t use it any more. but i as an old school guy still do.

Another update. With a handful of new features and whatnot. It does all sorts of new things.

to sort ends of a web rays you have to feed the algorithm with center of the web and its coordinate system (technically the local coordinate system might be made using Average Normal of the web).

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