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[Closed] Close every bracked in your script
Jan 29, 2020 6:11 pm
Hie all!
I’ve written a pretty long script with a loooooot of brackets.
I would love to find a way to close every brackets of my script with a hotkey but I didn’t find how!
Do you know if it’s possible ?
4 Replies
Jan 29, 2020 6:11 pm
If you want to fold every bracket of a certain level then you’ll have to do it manually.
Here’s the example to play with. It needs some fix for un-folding, btw
( -- level 0
local hwnd = (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance.TheMxsEditorInterface.EditorGetEditHWND
folds = #()
for i = 0 to (windows.sendMessage hwnd SCI_GETLINECOUNT 0 0) - 1 do
( -- level 2
linefoldlevel = (bit.shift (windows.sendMessage hwnd SCI_GETFOLDLEVEL i 0) -16) - 1024
foldisexpanded = 1 == windows.sendMessage hwnd SCI_GETLINEVISIBLE i 0
foldendline = windows.sendMessage hwnd SCI_GETLASTCHILD i -1
format "line#% - expaned:% foldlevel:% foldend:%\n" (1+i) foldisexpanded linefoldlevel foldendline
-- should fold level 2 & 3 only
if linefoldlevel >= 2 and linefoldlevel <= 3 and foldisexpanded do
( -- level 3
-- windows.sendMessage hwnd SCI_TOGGLEFOLD i 0
-- fold testing
-- these won't be folded
append folds #( i, foldendline, linefoldlevel ) -- fold start line, fold last line, fold level
fn sortByFoldDepth a b = if a[3] > b[3] then -1 else if a[3] < b[3] then 1 else 0
qsort folds sortByFoldDepth
folded = #{}
for f in folds where not (folded[f[1]] and folded[f[2]]) and f[1] != f[2] do
windows.sendMessage hwnd SCI_TOGGLEFOLD f[1] 0
folded[f[1]] = true
folded[f[2]] = true
Jan 29, 2020 6:11 pm
That’s what I was afraid of!!
Thanks for the script which seems to work pretty well!
Jan 29, 2020 6:11 pm
Not sure if it will work for you but, in the 3DsMax script editor if you close the brackets holding CTRL key all the contained nested brackets will close. If you open the bracket again (without holding CTRL key) the nested brackets will remain closed.